Parish Clerk Vacancy

Mundford Parish Council


Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

Mundford Parish Council is looking for an enthusiastic, organised, self motivated and personable individual to take over the role of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer from the current post-holder as soon as possible.

The successful applicants must have basic accounting skills, and be computer literate with knowledge of Excel, Word & the Internet.

The Parish Council holds 12 public meetings a year.  Main responsibilities include: preparation of Agenda in consultation with the Chair, and posting on the village notice board, attendance at meetings and production and circulation of minutes, attendance at other meetings as and when required, advising the Council on its statutory responsibilities, ensuring all councillors are informed of communications to the Council and dealing with the same as per the Council’s instructions, implementation of the policies and the instructions of the Councils, maintenance of accounts and preparations of cheques, preparations of budgets and financial reports, preparation of annual accounts for audit purposes, operating PAYE & RTI systems in accordance with HMRC requirements, submission of Council comments on planning applications, posting information onto the website.  In addition the Clerk will manage allotments that are soon to be in the Council’s possession.

Previous experience as a Parish Clerk would be an advantage.  Whilst they would preferably be CiLCA qualified and have a good understanding of Local Government procedures, training will be provided.  The hours are 15 per week working either from the Parish Office or from home whichever suits the successful applicant.  Salary will be paid in accordance to experience and in line with the National Joint Salary Scale, which will between SCP16-SCP23 (£8.63-£10.60 per hour) depending on experience. Deadline for applications is 10th December 2013, interviews will take place on an individual basis.

To register an interest please contact Mr Stefan Eyres (Chair) on 07980 367879 or the Clerk, Fran Brown on 01842 879130 or using the contact form on the left. Applicants will be asked to supply a relevant CV.

Parish Clerk’s Report Oct’13

Anti-social Behaviour and Crime in Mundford

As mentioned in the Chairman’s report, there have been a quite a few incidents of anti-social behaviour in Mundford recently.  Some may think eggs being thrown at windows is kids just having fun and shouldn’t be taken too seriously, but the Council disagree.  People can feel intimidated and scared, and often think they are being targeted.  I have had a meeting with our local PCSO from Thetford and she is aware of the current issues in Mundford, however she made clear that it is important for people to report incidents to the Police on the 101 number as soon as they happen.  This gives them a clear picture on what is happening in the village and may mean we get more Police presence in the village.

The Council are also disappointed to report that there has been a burglary in Swaffham Road recently.  We are fortunate that Mundford has a very low crime rate, and we live in a lovely area, however we cannot afford to be complacent and if anyone sees anything they feel is suspicious please report this to the 101 number.  I personally had my bicycle stolen from outside my house in early October and I reported this to the Police immediately.  They were very thorough, and gave me some good advice for the future.

Community Speedwatch

I am delighted to say that enough volunteers have come forward to allow the Community Speedwatch scheme to go ahead.  At the time of this going to press a meeting has taken place with the volunteers and a PCSO from the Safer Neighbourhood Team at Thetford to discuss the way forward with this project.  A risk assessment will take place on the sites suggested for the speedwatch team and volunteers have been asked to complete security check forms.  We are hopeful that this scheme will begin monitoring traffic speeds in December.  I will ensure regular updates are mentioned in the newsletter.  Thank you to those that have come forward to help, but there is still time to join the group! Please contact me at the below number if you are interested.


The Mundford Parish Council Website is regularly being updated and the Council would love you to have a look! There is plenty of interesting information on there for you to read and photos to look at, as well as Parish Council news and events in the village.  Mundford resident Carol Lewis was a winner of our Pride of Mundford award in October and a photo of this plus previous winners are on the website.  There are new photos of the village on the site and we are currently working on updating the home page.  If you have any suggestions for the website or would like to add anything then please contact me and I will forward this to the Council.

Grit bins

The Council are aware that the grit bins are either getting low or have run out of grit.  We are waiting to hear from Norfolk County Council Highways on when another delivery will take place to re-fill the bins.  Obviously there is great demand for these services so please understand that it may not be done for a few days.  Please be very careful when walking round the village.

Gritting in the village

The Parish Council are delighted to announce that three new grit bins are now available.  The new locations are Fir Close, Brecklands and Adeane Meadow.

There are now 9 grit bins in Mundford.  The Parish Council would like to remind residents that the salt and sand mix provided by Norfolk County Council within the bins is for highway use only. It should never be used on private drives and paths.  It is also only meant to be placed on footpaths.

The Council are very grateful to Mr Paul Lynch for organising the volunteer gritting programme for Fir Close and the Brecklands.  Mr Lynch and his team of helpful volunteers will be gritting the footpaths in these areas when there is severe weather i.e snow.  The Council would like to point out however, that the only reason we managed to secure the grit bins in these two estates and to have them filled was because Mr Lynch and his volunteers came forward to help with this project.  In line with NCC Highways policy, the grit is only to be used in severe weather only and not just for icy weather.