Second Lockdown

Communities urged to stay safe and be sensible ahead of second lockdown  
Police in Norfolk are urging people to stay safe and be sensible as England prepares to enter a second phase on lockdown on Thursday (5 November 2020). It comes as new measures are introduced to help stop the spread of coronavirus which will see people required to stay at home, restrictions on gatherings and non-essential businesses closed, including shops, restaurants and bars.

Officers are encouraging people to continue adhering to the existing restrictions, sticking to the rule of six and maintaining social distancing. Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, Julie Wvendth, said: “It’s reasonable to assume people will want to make the most of their freedom before Thursday. However, it’s important to remember the existing rules still apply and we want people to be sensible and stay safe.”

Over the weekend, officers issued four fixed penalty notices to people in Norwich in breach of the rule of six. Three related to a Halloween party while the fourth was in connection with a protest. In Cromer, following a joint visit by police and North Norfolk District Council on Saturday night (31 October) a fixed penalty notice was issued to bar/resturant Lily Mais the following day for breaching COVID regulations in failing to take steps to ensure that customers remained seated while consuming food or drink on the premises. T/ACC Wvendth added: “We know these changes can be difficult and uncomfortable for some and we’ve acknowledged this in our approached to enforcing the regulations by engaging, explaining and encouraging people to follow the rules. Enforcement has always been a last resort.   “However, people who are knowingly and blatantly breaching regulations leave us with no option but issue a fine. We can’t waste time with endless engagement and the public would expect us to act in these circumstances.”  

Additional information on the new measures can be found on the Government website

Temporary Closure of Brandon Road in Methwold

NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Order affecting the B1112 Brandon Road from its junction with Northwold Road for a distance of 770 metres southwards in the PARISH OF METHWOLD because of NCC resurfacing works.

The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) between 07:00 and 19:00 hours from 26th October 2020 to 30th October 2020 for the duration of the works, expected to be 5 days within the period. These dates replace any dates previously advertised at this location.

You can read full details of the temporary closure and alternative routes.


Scam Alert

Please look at this scam alert poster and advise your neighbours, friends, family and other community contacts that the Police will never telephone you and ask for your bank details, or ask you to withdraw money from your account and give to a courier.  Calls like this are a scam targeting our vulnerable members of our community.

Please be aware of another scam involving being used as a taxi. Poster explaining in detail.

A134 Tottenhill to Thetford, Local Safety Scheme

Norfolk County Council is undertaking a scheme which aims to improve road safety on the A134 between Tottenhill and Thetford.

The works will start on Monday 22 June 2020 and are planned to take 5 weeks to complete.

The works on the A134 between Tottenhill and Thetford will involve implementing two new 50mph speed limits, one on the Northwold bypass and the other on the section of road near Shouldham. We will also be putting in place raised ‘rumble’ lines at the edges of the road between Mundford and Thetford, and on the Stoke Ferry bypass, and improving road markings around a number of junctions along the route.

Due to the works involved, and to maintain a safe working environment and protect the public, the works will be completed under temporary traffic lights and will be in place 24 hours a day / 5 days a week while the work is underway. Localised mobile working will be used for all lining works.

Access to homes and businesses on all sections of road where the works are taking place will be maintained at all times, however there may be some short delays.

Access to properties within the works will be maintained for emergency services, and they will be informed that the road will be closed to through traffic so they will be able to plan accordingly. Please see attached plan highlighting areas of works.

The County Council thanks people for their patience while these road safety improvements are carried out.

The work which is estimated to cost £98,570 will be carried out by Norfolk County Council’s Community and Environmental Services Department and their contractors.

For Further Information

Lewis Ager, Project Technician,

Up-to-date information about roadworks in Norfolk is available on the County Council website at


ORDER prohibiting the use by vehicles of the A1075 Thetford Road from its junction with the U33387 Monkhams Drive for a distance of 123 metres southwards in the TOWN OF WATTON

1.         Save as provided in Article 2 of this Order and whereas the Norfolk County Council as Traffic Authority for the Administrative County of Norfolk is satisfied that:-

  • Anglian Water manhole repair works are required at the A1075 Thetford Road from its junction with the U33387 Monkhams Drive for a distance of 123 metres southwards in the TOWN OF WATTON (hereinafter referred to as the said road) and:

(ii)        that in consequence traffic over the said road should be prohibited with effect between 19:00 and 06:00 hours from 6th July 2020 to 7th July 2020 for the duration of the works expected to be about 1 night within the period.

2.         Nothing in Article 1 of this Order shall make it unlawful for a vehicle which requires access, to proceed to a final destination situated within the length of road specified in Article 1 of this Order.

3.         This Order has a maximum duration of 18 months and will be revoked upon completion of the works.  Where exceptional circumstances are encountered during the performance of the works specified in this Order the operational period of this Order may become extended to allow completion of the works after obtaining consent of the Secretary of State.

NOW THEREFORE the Norfolk County Council DO HEREBY ORDER, that with effect between 19:00 and 06:00 hours from 6th July 2020 to 7th July 2020 for the duration of the works the said road SHALL NOT BE USED by any class of vehicle.

Dated this2nd day of July 2020

Helen Edwards

Chief Legal Officer

County Hall

Martineau Lane
