Mundford Post Office

The Post Office is proposing to move the Mundford branch to a new location – Yallops Butchers & Mace in St Leonard’s Street. If the move goes ahead it will change to a new style Post Office. The opening hours will be the same as those of the shop and virtually all the services will be be the same.

You can read more about the change and share your views by following this link.

The move is supported by your Parish Council.


Village Hall Booking Clerk

Mundford Village Hall is looking for a volunteer to take on the role of Booking Clerk for the hall. If anyone is interested and would like further information on what the role involves, please call Karen on 07747 561784.


The Village Hall is always looking for new members to help with fundraising events and the general running of the hall. Please call Karen (as above) to discuss further or get further information.

Volunteer Bulb Planters – Thanks

The Councillors would like to thank the trusty team of volunteers who turned up on Saturday 10th October to plant hundreds of spring bulbs in and around Mundford Village, because of your invaluable time and help that you gave to this project the village will again burst into bloom in the spring.

Also on behalf of Mundford Village and the Councillors I would like to say a very special thank you to the family of the late Nancy Gross who donated £200 pounds for the purchase of daffodils and crocuses in memory of Nancy. Members of her family also very kindly turned up to help with the planting of the bulbs.

Here are some photographs of the bulbs being presented to the Parish Council along with all our volunteers.

Volunteer Litter Picker – Thanks

Mundford Parish Council would like to say thank you again to the Volunteer Litter Pickers that turned up on the 30th September to collect the litter in and around Mundford. Your help is always very much appreciated by the Parish Council and the Residents of Mundford.

Christmas Tree Sponsors 2015


This year there will again as in previous years be a beautiful 5 metre high Christmas tree with 1200 festive blue and white bright lights to light up our village green during Christmas and New Year.

Further to this announcement the Parish Council would like to invite all local businesses to consider sponsoring this project by way of a donation big or small which will go towards the cost of the tree. All businesses that make a donation will have their names published in the December Connect along with a huge thank you from the Parish Council. Please note that donations need to be made by the 19th November in order to meet the Connect publishing deadline.

Donations along with your company details will be gratefully accepted at the Parish Office – address below CHEQUES ONLY please made payable to ‘Mundford Parish Council’. Please do not post/put cash through the letter box of the office.

Should you need any further information please contact Pauline Angus – Clerk to the Council.

Football club advertising boards

Mundford Footballl club is looking for support from the village and surrounding areas to sign its petition calling upon “Breckland Council to overturn their original decision to refuse consent to display 21x advertising boards facing the Cranwich Road”.

You can do so on paper at the Post Office or Newsagents or click to sign online.

Warning! Bogus Waterboard Officials

The Parish Council has received the following notice from the Norfolk Police.

Recently there has been several incidents of bogus water board officials tricking their way into houses by saying that they need to check the water pressure and then stealing money from within the premises.

Please remember the following three points:

(1) You do not need to open your door to anyone.

(2) Make sure your chain is on if you do answer the door and vet any caller.

(3) Check that the caller is genuine.

Please be vigilant and look out for bogus callers targeting the vulnerable and report incidents on 999 giving descriptions and vehicle registration numbers if possible.

STANTA Daily Road Closure

The Parish Council has received the following notice from STANTA.

In the interest of good community relations STANTA  wish to inform Mundford Parish Council that they are being forced to close the Mundford to Wretham road, where it enters the training area, between the period 1800hrs (6 pm) to 0600hrs (6 am) each day with effect from 1st September 2015. They have not made this decision lightly but over the past few months there has been a substantial increase in the number of civilian vehicle incursions in to the training area and the risk of an accident, particularly during live firing, has reached unacceptable levels. They know that a few members of each community do see that road as a shortcut and they will undoubtedly be disappointed but STANTA  have a ‘duty of care’ to keep the public safe.

Volunteer Litter Pickers – Thanks

On behalf of Mundford  Parish Council and the Residents of Mundford I would like to say a huge thankyou to our volunteer litter pickers that show up come rain or shine to pick up the litter within the village and the roads leading out of Mundford, without their help we could not keep our village looking so pretty, clean and tidy. Our last litter pick was on Wednesday 5th August and at least 15 bulging bags were collected along with other debris such as out of date signs for local events. We also collected rubbish that was placed in the grit bin up by Impson Way on the A134 so a quick reminder again to all that our grit bins are not rubbish bins.

Mundford Parish Council is always looking for more people to join our existing group of volunteer litter pickers. We meet every 6 to 8 weeks and all equipment is supplied, so if you have 1 to 2 hours to spare  and would like to join us please contact your Parish Clerk Pauline.