
Christmas Lights Switch On

Our annual Christmas event will be taking place at the Village Green on Saturday 30th November 2024, with the lights being switched on at 5.00pm.

The Village Voices Community Choir will be singing carols and The Crown will be providing mulled wine and mince pies. Yallops are providing hot dogs and Crown Hairdressing will be serving hot chocolate. Mundford Fish Bar and St Leonards Court will be hosting stalls and donations to their chosen charities will be gratefully received.

We would like to thank the local businesses for supporting our event and information on funds raised will feature in the next issue of The Mundford Messenger and on this website.

Litter Picking dates

The next litter picking date is Wednesday 6th November, we will be meeting at the Parish Council Office at 2pm and all equipment is provided.

We are having our final litter picking session of the year on Wednesday 4th December at 2pm.

If you have some free time and would like to join us in keeping our village free of litter , please come along.

Scarecrow competition results

There were 10 entries to the competition, with £51 being raised for the Mundford Village Hall Playground Fund. A big thank you to all those who took the time to make the wonderful Scarecrows and donated to a worthy cause.

First Prize went to 32 Malsters Close, winning them a family ticket to Church Farm. The runners up were 21 Adeane Meadow, 61 The Lammas, St Leonards Church, and Browns Kitchen. All four of these won £25 Thetford Garden Centre vouchers.

Voter ID

From 4 May 2023, voters in England will need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections.

This will apply to the May local elections (if needed) for our new Mundford Parish Councillors and to general elections from October 2023.

Read more and find out about accepted forms of photo ID at Voter ID | Electoral Commission.

Passchendaele Letter

The Clerk has recently received a letter from The Passchendaele Museum asking for help from local residents.

The Museum has recently identified the wartime burial grounds of over 1,400 missing Canadians on the Menin Gate. One of these was John Daniel, who died on 6/2/1916. Before enlisting, he worked as a grocer. A letter was sent to Mrs Caroline Daniel his next of kin, over 100 years ago, but the museum has been unable to trace this to a modern address.

They are seeking information from anyone in the area, who may have letters, pictures or stories related to him, his family or the house they lived or worked in.

Click to read the full letter. If you can help, you can contact the museum directly or via the Clerk.

Click to view the John Daniel archive record.