
Swaffham Road Update

The Parish Council have been chasing Highways to get the repairs to the white fence barriers on both sides of the Swaffham Road repaired following the three recent accidents.

The Parish Council have also applied for a grant to extend the pavement on the village side of the Swaffham Road to a more suitable crossing point some 45 metres towards Swaffham.

Highways have now installed ‘Pedestrian Crossing’ warning road signs either side of the existing crossing point by the Lynford Road turning following the meeting with Elizabeth Truss MP our local MP.

The signs will be relocated when the footpath is hopefully extended as noted above.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Parish Council look forward to seeing members of the village at our Annual Parish Meeting to be held in the Cricket Club on 4th April 2019 at 7:10pm. You can meet the Council and have your say on whatever village matters you wish.

Dates for your Diary – Jan’19

To introduce The Mundford Messenger, our new village magazine, and to publicise events during January, the Parish Council has issued another Dates for your Diary newsletter to be delivered to homes. Click/tap to read it here.

Errata: For Advertising, call Serena on 07395 263626.


Just a reminder from the NHS in Norfolk and Waveney about how to help us help you this winter.

All of us should be making sure our medicine cabinets are stocked. It’s also sensible to order any regular medicines you need in good time so you don’t run out, taking care to only order what you need.

But if you do feel poorly, seek advice from your local pharmacist before it gets worse.

If it’s urgent, then a call to your GP or NHS111 is the next step, and they’ll advise you what to do.

Common sickness bugs

Suffering from norovirus or other common sickness bugs? Don’t spread it around by visiting your GP or other public places. Stay at home and rest. #HelpUsHelpYou

Find more advice here

HomeFirst – your bed is the best bed!

None of us want to go into hospital or a care bed, but if we do it’s good to get home if we can. The NHS and social care across all of Norfolk and Waveney are stressing that if someone needs a hospital or temporary care bed they will get one, but our aim is always to help people get back home as soon as possible. This is because older people in particular can lose independence rapidly. Being back home can also help a speedier recovery. So if you know a friend or relative, particularly if they are older, who has to go into hospital it would be kind to make sure they have all they need to get back home, including checking the heating works and they will have food in the house, the washing is done and they feel OK.

New Year, New You

With the start of a New Year people’s thoughts turn to getting fit and improving their health. To stay healthy or improve health, adults need to do two types of physical activity each week: aerobic and strength exercises.

How much physical activity you need to do each week depends on your age. Adults aged 65 or older who are generally fit and have no health conditions that limit their mobility should try to be active daily by doing at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity such as cycling or walking, and strength exercises on two or more days a week.

Why not join a local walking group, go for a swim or join a local class, your library should have information about groups near you.

There are many local services that can enable older people to be more active. A wealth of information can be found through the Norfolk Community Directory.

The Mundford Messenger

The Mundford Messenger is a new magazine, which will be distributed free to every household in Mundford, Ickburgh and Cranwich. The first issue will be February 2019 and the deadline for contributions is the 15th January. In the meantime, the Parish Council will issue another ‘Dates for Your Diary’.

The magazine will be run by a team of volunteers – but many hands make light work…

Your Village Needs You!

Can you spare some time once a month to help put the magazine together? Do you have good computer skills or are you willing to learn? 

The magazine will be funded by advertising. Would like to place an advert for your business?

Can you spare some time once a month to deliver the magazine to your street or a small area? Maybe you have volunteered before and would like to do so again? 

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘Yes’, then please click/tap to contact the Messenger team.

New Village Magazine

In view of the positive feedback to the Parish Council following the issue of the ‘Dates for Your Diary’ in November. The Parish Council have decided to endorse the formation of a new magazine in the village. This will be produced by a group of volunteers and will be independent of the Parish Council.

The Parish Council would like to ask everyone in the community to support the group producing the new magazine and provide assistance in supplying copy and any dates for upcoming events etc for inclusion in the magazine. The magazine will be distributed to every household in Mundford, Ickburgh and Cranwich.

Further information will be added to the website in due course giving contact details for the new magazine for both copy and advertising.

James Musgrove
Chairman, Mundford Parish Council

Tree Lighting Ceremony


The switching on of the lights on the Christmas tree and around the village green was a great success and attended by around 250 people in total.

Many thanks to Father Christmas!! for switching on the lights and mingling with the children.

Many thanks to the Village Voices Choir for their participation. Always much enjoyed by all.

Our thanks must go to the following for their support in raising money for Charity:

  • The Crown for the mulled wine and mince pies etc. This raised £145.50 for the Air Ambulance.
  • Yallops Butchers for the hot dogs stall. This raised £73.40 for the Parkinsons Charity.
  • Mundford Fish Bar for the cakes stall. This raised £50.00 for the East Anglia Childrens Hospice.
  • The Parish Council hot chocolate drink stand raised £50.00 for Cancer Research.
  • We would also like to thank Lynford Court Care Home and Lynford Hall for their participation.

The Parish Council would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Land Management Updates

Please find below issue No.2 of the Land Management Updates, courtesy of the Wissey Water Quality Group (part of the Wissey Partnership), and the Lark, Little Ouse & Thet sub-catchment partnerships.

The newsletter contains farm advisor updates, relevant news and upcoming events, plus the latest water quality report. I hope you find this useful.

Issue 2 Land Management

New Councillor Event

With the elections looming in May 2019, there may be residents/parish councillors who are thinking of becoming a District or Parish Councillor; with this in mind, Breckland Council are holding a Prospective Councillor event on Tuesday, 12 February 2019 from 6.00pm at the Breckland Council Conference Suite in Dereham (light refreshments will be available from 5.30pm).

Further details of ‘How to become a Councillor’ will be available soon on the Breckland website: and a programme of what to expect at the prospective Cllr event will follow in due course.