
Play Area Appeal

The Village Hall Committee is working to raise over £11,000 to repair and improve the facilities of the village playground. Their plan is to upgrade and install a new swing frame which will be surrounded by a safety barrier and Ecosurface ground cover. If you are able to support this project with a donation, please make your cheque payable to ‘M R G & V H T’ and send it to Mundford Village Hall, St Leonard St, Mundford, Thetford, IP26 5DW. For more information, see the December/January Connect, posters around the village or email the secretary.

Update 13 October 2017

The Village Hall committee report that “We have now raised sufficient funds to start the project and we are waiting for a start date at the moment. We received £5000 from Breckland Council and raised the rest of the funds ourselves.”

Keep the Bells Ringing

New or experienced ringers welcome. The bells at St Leonard’s are rung for Sunday Service and on special occasions. We urgently need more ringers, with any or no experience, to join us as we are often unable to ring a full peal of all six bells. We practice 6.30pm to 8pm on Monday and ring at 9am to 9.30am on Sundays. You must be able to climb a short ladder. Tower Captain: J Griggs. Contact: Margaret 878325.

Christmas Tree 2016

After dark on Saturday 3rd December, there was a festive atmosphere around the Village Green as residents gathered for the turning on of the Christmas lights on the tree and around the green, followed by carol singing led by the Village Voices Choir.

The Crown Hotel provided Mulled Wine and Mince Pies; Lynford Hall provided Ginger Bread Christmas Trees; Crown Hairdressing provided Hot Chocolate; and St Leonards Court Care Home held a raffle to raise money for their Wren room and offered popcorn.

Mundford Parish Council and residents thank all those who generously donated to this year’s tree – read the list of donors.

Added 1/2/17

The Parish Council would like to say a belated thank you to Village Voices Choir for their brilliant performance during the lighting of the Christmas tree.

We would also like to say thank you for two more donations that were received towards our tree from Chrissie Pymar and Anna Scott.

Macmillan – Thanks

The organisers would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who supported this year’s Coffee Morning. Together we raised the magnificent sum of £1,085. Thanks to everyone who made cakes, helped out, gave their time, etc. Especial thanks to those who donated prizes:

  • Wayne and Katie (Maces)
  • Mark and Lorrayne (Newsagents)
  • Hgh Lodge
  • Sainbury’s, Thetford
  • Roys, Thetford
  • The Crown, Mundford
  • “Mundfords” shop
  • Savers, Thetford
  • Peter and Daphne

Your New Defibrillator

You may have noticed the green/yellow cabinet that is now located on the wall outside the newsagents. This is our new defibrillator which is available for all to use in an emergency.

We would like to thank the following who have made it possible for Mundford Village to own this piece of life saving equipment:

  • Lorrayne and Mark at the newsagents who raised in excess of £500 from the sale of second hand books
  • Mr B Dains and family who donated £50.00
  • A resident who wishes to remain anonymous donated £500.00
  • We also applied for and received a grant from Breckland Council who donated £502.50

This meant that the Parish Council just needed to pay for the remainder of the total which was £165.60 plus cost for the installation.


Christmas Tree Sponsors 2016


This year there will again as in previous years be a beautiful 5 metre high Christmas tree with 1200 festive blue and white bright lights to light up our village green during Christmas and New Year.

Further to this announcement the Parish Council would like to ask if any residents would like to donate towards our tree perhaps in remembrance of a friend or loved one that has passed on or you may have a special anniversary or birthday to celebrate.

Donations for any amount big or small along with your details will be gratefully accepted at the Parish Office – address below CHEQUES ONLY please made payable to Mundford Parish Council. Please do not post/put cash through the letter box of the office.

Your Remembrance notices will appear in the December/January Connect plus small temporary plaques with your messages will be put at the bottom of the tree.

Should you need any further information please contact Pauline Angus – Clerk to the Council.