
Better Broadband

Better Broadband for Norfolk (BBfN) is a multi-million pound partnership between Norfolk County Council and BT set to transform broadband speeds across the county. Read more on the BBfN website.

BBfN has recently brought access to improved broadband to parts of Mundford. If you’d like to upgrade your broadband to superfast speeds of up to 76Mb, then contact BT or other supplier.

Pig Stye Lane Muddy Footpath

The Parish Council have been informed that there are parts of the foot path in Pig Stye Lane that have become extremely muddy and slippery and would like to make residents aware that the Council are looking into ways and means to alleviate this problem, however, before the Council can carry out any work permission be need to be obtained from the Land Owner and this may cause some delay in the progress of this work.

Grit bins are not dog waste or litter bins

The Parish Council kindly ask that residents refrain from putting their dog waste and litter in to the grit bins that are located throughout the village. As you can understand this is not a very pleasant thing for our many helpful grit spreading volunteers to have to face when they open these bins.

Our volunteers are there to spread the grit for us – they do not volunteer to clear up dog waste or litter.

Many dog waste and litter bins are placed throughout the village, if your route home does not take you past any of these bins then please take your waste and litter home with you.

Dog Owners Please Clean Up Your Act

Pavements are for walking on as we really all should know.
Some people take their dogs on them and there they let it go. 
They can’t be bothered to pick it up and leave it where it lays, 
So it is there for all to see for days and days and days.
It really is quite easy folks to remedy this act,
Bag it, bin it all the time, it’s cleaner, that’s a fact.

Please contact the Dog Warden at Breckland if you would like to report a dog owner or have issues you wish to discuss with them. Tel 01362 858500 or email

If you wish to report dog mess to be cleared away please contact Breckland on 01362 656870 or email

Chairman’s Report, Feb’15

Parish Council Meeting – 5th February 2015

Chairman’s report

After the minutes were accepted and signed as a true record, two declarations of interest were given, from the evening’s agenda.

After a discussion regarding vehicles mounting the kerbing opposite the Methodist Chapel, it was decided that one of our councillors would meet with Highways to discuss the problem – it being that the edge of the village green is being churned up.

Because of elections in May, our Annual Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 14th May.

It was agreed by councillors that a new dog bin should be installed at the southern end of Crown Road. This has to be agreed by Breckland District Council. Can we also remind dog-owners that grit bins are not to be used for dog waste.

Pig Stye Lane has been a little muddy in places this winter. Following a site meeting, it was decided that we need to find out who owns the lane. No action can be taken until ownership is known.

Two councillors announced that they would not be standing for re-election in May. I will also not be standing as Chairman. I feel that four years is a good amount of time to have held the position, and it is time for a change. However, if re-elected, I am happy to remain on the council.

A grant-application for £1755 was put forward by the Village Hall committee. After a short discussion, it was agreed 5 – 3 that a donation of £1000 will be given on completion of works.

A new streetlight is being installed at the entrance to Green Acre Close, off Pig Stye Lane. This will hopefully be done mid to late spring and light up a very dark area. Also, we continue to upgrade our old streetlights, with new LEDs. One gets done every month, until the work is complete.

The meeting closed at 9.22pm

Stefan Eyres

Join the Parish Council

As from May 2015, all of the Mundford Parish Councillors have to be re-elected. A full council for Mundford consists of 9 residents; we know that 2 of our current councillors will not be staying on.

This is your chance to have a say in what happens in and around Mundford. We are a very ‘hands on’ council, actively helping with certain projects around the village.

Parish Council meetings are normally held on the first Thursday of each month, and last for approximately two hours.

To apply to join your Parish Council, contact the Clerk, Pauline Angus, on 01842 879152, no later than the end of March.

Thank you to our Christmas Tree sponsors

Mundford Parish Council would like to say a huge THANK YOU to the following for their generous donation towards the cost of the Village Green Christmas Tree:

  • DOG STYLIN – Vickie M Smith
  • P&R GARDEN SUPPLIES – Paul Hannington and Rachel Sobiechowski
  • BRECKLAND BOARDING KENNELS – Tom and Rosemary Van Bokkem

Your donation is very much appreciated.

Here are some photos of the day that we put up the tree and turned on the lights.

Christmas Tree Sponsors Needed

This year, there will be a beautiful five metre high Christmas Tree with 1200 festive blue and white bright lights to light up our village green during Christmas and New Year.

The Parish Council invite local businesses to sponsor this project by way of a donation big or small that will go towards the cost of the tree. All sponsors will have their names published in the December Connect along with a huge thank you from the Parish Council.

Donations by cheque only made payable to ‘Mundford Parish Council’ will be gratefully received at the Council office. Please donate by 20th November (to meet the publishing deadline).