
Chairman’s report, Sep’14

Parish Council meeting – 4th September 2014

Many thanks to the residents who took part in the litter pick during September.

All Parish Councillors were present, as well as our County Councillor, Ian Monson.

The Swaffham bus service was discussed and it was decided to continue the service for a further six months. However, as passenger numbers are low, an increase from £5 to £6 per journey was agreed upon. All Councillors were in favour of this. There will not be a service between Christmas and New Year.

The wording for a plaque has been agreed upon; this will be placed on the allotment site to remember Maryann Turner, who left the land to the Parish Council for the village.

The war memorial should be cleaned and renovated during September.

It was agreed that, this year, we will have a five-metre high Christmas tree on the village green, with blue and white lights. Further ideas will be discussed at the October PC meeting.

This year’s bulb planting day is to be 18th October, meeting at 10am outside the Parish Council office.

It was decided that the Clerk should write a letter to our District Councillor, Ann Steward, asking if she could attend more PC meetings.

During Members’ Matters, overhanging shrubs and trees on footpaths was discussed. Please could residents remember that keeping the paths clear of hedges, overhanging trees and parked cars makes the paths safer for pedestrians?

The meeting closed at 9.27pm

Stefan Eyres

Note: There have recently been some metal thefts from Cranwich Church; could we please ask residents to be vigilant?

Community Speed Watch Volunteers Needed

During the recent Parish Council meeting the Community Speed Watch Scheme was discussed, and it was agreed that we would try once more to get the scheme up and running. Therefore could any of the residents that originally kindly volunteered and are still interested in helping please get back in touch. We are also looking for new volunteers and a co-ordinator for this scheme.

If you are interested please contact Pauline Angus, Clerk to the Council on 879152 or via the quick contact form (see left) by the 28th October 2014. If we do not have sufficient volunteers come forward by this date then unfortunately the scheme will be unable to go ahead.

WW1 Anniversary Event

St Leonard’s Church held an event to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. The organising committee would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who visited the Church to see the display. They also thank all the people who worked so hard to produce the displays and collect the memorabilia and to those who lent treasured family mementoes. Especial thanks go to:

  • Nick Tucker for his work on tracing those listed on the local War Memorials
  • Rosemary Godfrey for her display of her grandfather’s diary A Signallers War (for sale in aid of the Royal British Legion)
  • Ken and Anita Nockolds for their donation of 10 copies of The Trench with a foreword by War Horse author Michael Morpurgo (sold out)
  • Eddie Allen for his Royal British Legion display and the honour of the loan of their flag

And the fundraising team for pulling it all together, manning the church and serving tea and coffee throughout the five days.

Finally to all those who continue to support all the Charities connected to the Remembrance of those who didn’t come home and those severely affected or disabled by the continuing conflict throughout the World.

We will remember them.

Chairman’s Report, Aug’14

Parish Council Meeting – 7th August 2014

The meeting was chaired by the vice Chairman due to the Chairman being on holiday.

The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed and duly signed.

A PCSO from Thetford attended the meeting and updated the council on the latest crimes in the area. Can I remind everyone that whilst it is tempting to leave doors and windows open in the hot weather make sure they are closed when you are out or not in a position to know who is about. With the onset of darker evenings this is a good reminder. Whilst Mundford is not a hotbed for crime it is very upsetting for the victims.

We are still awaiting NCC Highways and Breckland council to deal with outstanding matters around the village.

The bus service seems to be maintaining its numbers and its continuation will be discussed at the September meeting.

We are still trying to get the Community Speed watch off the ground and ask again if anyone is interested to let the clerk know and she will pass details on.

The war memorial will be cleaned and repaired prior to Armistice Day. The council was hoping for a grant to help with this but the War Memorials Trust have set an impossible criteria which the council cannot meet.

Breckland Council are also looking into multi-occupancy premises in the village after recent concerns have been raised.

After it was established that donations made to the Citizens Advice Bureau Brandon Branch had not been going to the local branch it was decided that a donation would not be made this year.

The street lighting updating will be continuing and the contractors have another list of lights to be done.

Please see the notice board for STANTA activities in the coming weeks.

The County and District councillors did not attend the meeting.

Jim Goad, Vice Chairman

Almshouse Vacancy

Notice of Vacancy issued by Lady Ashburton’s Ickburgh Almshouses Trust.

A vacancy has occurred in one of the almshouses situated approximately two miles from the centre of Mundford (no public transport). Applications are invited from persons who are in need, hardship or distress and reside in the parishes of Hilborough, Ickburgh, Stanford, Lynford or Mundford. (In exceptional circumstances the Trustees may have discretion to appoint residents who satisfy the need, hardship or distress qualifications but do not meet the other criteria). Applications forms are available from Mr Dick Girling (Chairman), 44 Ashburton Road, Ickburg, IP26 5JA. The closing date for applications is 31st July 2014.

Chairman’s Report, May’14

Parish Council Meeting – 7th May 2014

The meeting started with the Chairman and Vice Chairman elections. Cllr Eyres was elected Chairman for a fourth year and Cllr Goad Vice Chairman, also for a fourth year. Both positions were unopposed. The Chairman stated that, after this year, a new chairman should be elected.

The Council awarded two residents the Pride of Mundford award. Firstly, Mrs Margaret Whiting for her help with keeping Mundford clean and tidy. Margaret helps with littler picks, bulb planting and, in particular, plants and tends the village green rose bed for the summer bedding. The second award was presented to Bradley Slater for his achievements since joining the Norfolk Army Cadets. He has been selected from the whole ACF in Norfolk for the post of The Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet.

There were 27 residents at the meeting, many of whom were there to express their views on the planning application to the rear of the Post Office in Church Lane.

Passenger numbers for the Saturday bus service to Swaffham during April were disappointing. There is a risk that we may lose the service if it is not regularly used.

The allotments are now up and running and we have six new tenants as well as three existing ones. We also have a substantial waiting list. The Council would like to thank Mr Ray Whale and Mundford Cricket Club for supplying, and cutting to size, lengths of scaffold tube for marking out the corners of the new allotments.

The Council would also like to thank Mr Ernie Churchley for fitting an outside tap to the Parish Council office, which he did free of charge.

The Council is still in need of a part-time gardener, mostly for watering the tubs and beds around the village, as well as planting them up twice a year. Help and advice can be given if required.

The Community Speedwatch is still ongoing. We are waiting for the coordinator to activate the scheme. Volunteers, please stick with it. I know some of you are losing interest, but we are hoping for a response very soon.

The village green has had a feed, weed and moss-killer applied during late April. This was done at a cost of materials only.

Due to having to call the caretaker out late at night to lock the school, the Council has asked the Cricket Club if we could hold P.C. meetings there. They kindly agreed and the first meeting at the Cricket Club will be 3rd July 2014. Please note, the bar will be closed during the meeting and no alcohol will be consumed during the meeting.

During Finance, the accounts were approved by the Council. A £400 grant was applied for by the Scouts to update their toilets, etc. This was approved by the Council.

The meeting closed at 9.07pm.
Stefan Eyres

Annual Meeting 2014 Report

Annual Parish Meeting held on 3rd April 2014 Chairman’s report

In the last twelve months we have continued to be proactive in many ways:

  • The bus service to Swaffham has continued to be subsidised by the council, to help with the needs of residents.
  • In April, we supplied two coaches for a Stanta trip – the first for many years.
  • In June, a new time capsule was buried at the village green to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
  • We have again, in the last year, improved the village through floral displays.
  • The council continues to support organisations within the village, whilst also donating to outside charities that help Mundford residents.
  • We have started to replace the obsolete streetlights, with LED lanterns.
  • We have put a Christmas tree on the village green for the first time.


The council has kindly been left some land by the late Miss Mary-Ann Turner. This is in the process of becoming new allotments for a few lucky residents.


I will finish with a few thank yous:

  • To Cllr Ann Shepherd, for diligently running the Community Car Scheme for many years. Also to all of the drivers, without whom the scheme would not operate.
  • A big thank you to Sam, our gardener, Neil, our handyman, and Tony, our litter warden. Unfortunately, Sam has had to resign due to work commitments.
  • Many thanks to Margaret Whiting for tending the village green rose bed, also Mr Terry Alderton for tending the area near the Fir Close letterbox.
  • A big thank you to the Friends of the Village for the many litter picks during the year, the annual bulb planting, and all of the other things they do to make our village look so good.
  • Thank you to Cllr Monson and Cllr Steward for attending our council meetings and helping us throughout the year. And not forgetting the Mundford Parish Councillors for your hard work during the year.
  • Lastly, a big thank you to our former Clerk, Fran, and our new Clerk, Pauline, for their dedication and hard work through the year.


Thank you,

Stefan Eyres

Mobile Library

Norfolk County Council provide a mobile library that has several stops in Mundford, usually every fortnight. The library’s day has recently changed from Thursdays to Mondays. View the latest timetable here or go via the Local Information page.