
Chairman’s Christmas Message

On behalf of the Parish Council I would like to wish everyone in the village as good a Christmas and New Year as might be possible in these strange times. Hopefully we can all enjoy the festivities whilst complying with the rules and regulations the Government have laid down.

I would like to thank various people for their support during the last twelve months.

A special thank you to the Clerk, Samantha King, for her continued efforts keeping all of the Councillors in line and for being able to work from home. Much appreciated.

A special thanks also must go to Councillor Eyres for his ongoing support to the Council and arranging the removal and transporting of the village Christmas tree.

My thanks also to the Councillors who assisted and decorated the tree. The tree was donated by Maggie (who works in the Costcutter shop) from her garden in Billy Emms. Many thanks for the donation !

My thanks to the litter pickers who come out whatever the weather, and those who litter pick independently to keep the village tidy when we have not been able to meet as a group. To the bulb planters in October for their support in what was not particularly wonderful weather.

My thanks to Bruce McIssacs, our Handyman/Gardener for looking after the flower beds and keeping the street furniture in good order plus his many other jobs around the village.

I must also applaud the allotment holders this year. Our allotments have been a picture with fruit and vegetables galore. A welcome to the four new allotment holders who we hope will continue the good work on the newly marked out pitches around what was the Scout Hut.

Last of all to the volunteers who assisted during lockdown with helping the vulnerable and those who were isolating. Many thanks.

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone !

Adult Learning Launch Free Christmas Workshops

As it now begins to feel a bit like Christmas, a second mention about learning how to make handmade decorations, wrapping paper and cards, draw and paint the changing landscape or take part in some festive French cooking, all delivered by Adult Learning’s expert tutors. As Cllr Margaret Dewsbury, cabinet member for communities and partnerships at Norfolk County Council says:
These workshops are a great way to get creative and keep our minds active in the run up to Christmas. It’s always a treat to either give or receive a handmade gift and these workshops will help Norfolk residents to make something special this year.”
The demonstrations will be delivered via Zoom and will last between 1-2 hours. Participants will be encouraged to share their works in progress during the session. These courses are open to Norfolk residents over 19 years of age and advanced booking is required.

To sign up for free go to

Police Warning

Detectives are appealing for witnesses after a man was robbed in West Harling woods yesterday (6 December 2020).

It happened at about 3.30pm when the victim, a 70-year-old man, was out walking his dog in the woods, near to West Harling Road towards Gasthorpe.

The victim was hit from behind and was knocked unconscious falling to the floor. He regained consciousness about 10 minutes later to find his wallet, containing cash and cards and his mobile phone had been stolen.

He suffered facial and head injuries but did not require hospital treatment.

Officers will be increasing patrols in the area and police are keen to hear from anyone who may have witnessed the incident or may have seen anyone acting suspiciously in the area yesterday. Anyone with information should contact Detective Constable Clare Gardner at Thetford CID on 101 quoting crime reference 36/85896/20. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

Support & Resources Available


For your information, the latest government guidelines:

Norfolk County Council resources, including campaign materials (various languages) and resident support information:

Voluntary Norfolk for volunteer recruitment and voluntary sector support:

Further funding opportunities may also be available to your group, so keep an eye on the Norfolk Community Foundation website:

Resident Support:

Residents who require support (food, loneliness, financial hardship) can still call Norfolk County Council on 0344 8008020 option 1, option 4

If you become aware of any residents experiencing financial hardship as a result of Covid-19 and they’re struggling to pay for everyday essentials, the Norfolk Assistance Scheme may be able to help:  or call 0344 8008020

Better Together Norfolk – Information, advice or a friendly chat: 0300 303 3920

The Silver Line – Helpline for older people providing information, friendship & advice that’s free, confidential and available 24/7: 0800 470 8090

Avian Influenza

Unfortunately Avain flu has made an appearance again and some of you will be in the protection and surveillance zones for the outbreak at Snetterton.

If anyone suspects birds that they keep of being unwell or they have died they are to contact DEFRA/APHA  on 03000 201301. No movements of birds and the strictest of biosecurity must be maintained within these zones.

There is a housing order coming into force on the 14th December. This means that all types of captive birds should be housed or contained in areas that prevent wild birds having access to your birds feed and water. If anyone keeps a mixed flock of different species they need to separate them from each other so if you keep ducks and chickens make sure they are penned separately. There is exemptions to the housing order where the welfare of the birds will be compromised by being housed this normally applies to exotic waterfowl and birds such as Emus , but steps should still be taken to reduce contact with wild birds and biosecurity should be in place.

The threat to Human health is extremely low and there is no need for anyone to dispose of their birds. Poultry meat and eggs are all safe to eat.

Everyone in our villages can help reduce the spread of this disease by avoiding walking through areas that have domestic poultry on them and disinfecting their footwear after walking in places that birds frequent particularly waterfowl. If you keep birds in your garden please prevent your other pets from going in your bird areas to reduce disease spread.

How to spot avian influenza (bird flu), what to do if you suspect it, and measures to prevent it.

Carers Matter Norfolk

From the 1st Sep there is a new and improved Carers Matter Norfolk service and we are anxious to reach out to as many carers and people who are support people as possible. The new service offers an advice line and one to one locally based Carer Connectors. Carer Connectors can now carry out Carers Assessments and can help people assess or services such as grants from the health and welfare fund, short breaks and group support.  The service can be contacted via the advice line 0800 083 1148 or via our website on