Reflections from the Rectory – Apr’19

Signs of spring are everywhere. As a newcomer to England, I am particularly enjoying the snowdrops and daffodils sprouting in our gardens and along the roadside.

In the Church, the period of Lent began on the 6th March. It is a time of preparing ourselves for the celebration of Easter. In the early church, new Christians were baptized at Easter, and were given special teaching and preparation for a six week period beforehand. This is the origin of the tradition of keeping Lent.

Many of us remember being told to “give up” something for Lent, such as sugar in our tea. This is fine, but Lent could be more positively seen as a time to “take on” something of value, such as caring for a neighbor in times of illness or distress.

During Lent, many of us will be sharing a soup lunch on Saturdays at the Mundford Bowls Club and/or on Wednesdays at the Foulden Village Hall. This is a time for fellowship and sharing, and all are welcome.

Easter is a great celebration of life in Christ. Many special services are planned in the villages over this time, and all are welcome to participate.

The rejuvenation of nature around us after the winter reflects new life and hope for the future.

May I wish all of you a joyful Easter.

Rev. Linda Lubbe

Where love is there God is

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches. Rev. Zoe Ferguson is currently on long term sick leave.

B1112 Station Road, Lakenheath – Wilton Bridge maintenance works March – June 2019

Please find below a notice from Suffolk Highways regarding works to be completed in Lakenheath.

We will be carrying out major maintenance work to Witlon bridge located on the B1112, Station Road, Lakenheath. The work is planned to start on 25 March 2019 and will continue for 14 weeks. The majority of the work will be carried out Monday to Friday from 8am until 4pm each day. Noise will be kept to a minimum at all times. Traffic will be managed by a temporary single lane and two way traffic lights for the duration of the works (including weekends). A 30mph speed reduction will also be in place.

The times and dates of works may change depending on the weather conditions. If they do change, we will let you know by updating the information signs on site.

The following weekend road closures have been booked however, no more than four should be required:
• 29th March to 1st April 2019
• 3rd May to 6th May 2019
• 10th May to 13th May 2019
• 17th May to 20th May 2019
• 7th June to 10th June 2019
• 14th June to 17 June 2019
• 21st June to 24th June 2019

The closure dates and times are also subject to change. Access to all properties and businesses will be maintained for the duration of the works. Pedestrian access will not be available whilst the road closures are in place.

During the periods of road closures, traffic will be diverted via a sign-indicated route.
Please see the information over the page for more details of how access to your property will be affected by the works, as well as other frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions about the work, please call us on: 0345 606 6171.

Once we have completed the works, it would be helpful if you could take a few moments to complete a short survey at Your answers will help us improve our service in the future.
Yours faithfully,
Suffolk Highways

Weeting Crematorium Planning Application

Mundford Parish Council was informed recently by a resident of Weeting that the potential new crematorium may have around 800 funerals a year in Weeting generating 27-32 vehicles per service. A transport plan was drawn up and they have advised that the traffic is likely to come through Mundford. Please refer to link below for full details of the application:


Parish Council Elections 2019

Mundford Parish Council would like to invite any resident of Mundford who really cares about their local community to stand in the local elections on Thursday 2ndMay 2019.


As a local councillor, you can become a voice for your community and make a real change. Local councillors are community leaders and represent the interests of the communities they serve.

Local councillors have three main responsibilities:

  • Decision-making
  • Monitoring
  • Getting involved locally

Can I stand?

There are only a few rules to stand for election. You must be:

•    A British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth, or the European Union

•    18 years of age or older

•    Live in an area that is served by a local council

How can I get involved?

Contact Mrs Sam King, Mundford Parish Clerk at the following email address: or call on 01842 879152.  Notice of Election goes up 18th March 2019.  The deadline for Nomination Papers to be delivered in person to the Electoral Services team at Breckland Council is 4.00 pm on Wednesday 3rdApril 2019.

To find out more, visit

Reflections from Mundford Rectory – Feb’19

Dear Friends,

I wanted to say an enormous thank you to everyone in our community who supported us through the event of our Church Gift Day for St Leonard’s Church in Mundford. Your generous contribution to the work of the church in serving the community in this place is invaluable and helps us to keep a ministerial presence and the love of God through His people alive in the village of Mundford and surrounding villages, enabling a continuing worshipping presence, the joy of bringing people together in marriage, baptizing new Christians and supporting the dying and bereaved.

Many of you will know that sadly I have been unwell since last July. I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to so many people who have and continue to keep me in their thoughts and prayers, and have supported my family and myself in very practical ways as well.

It has truly been a very difficult time but I am slowly making progress in my illness with the love, support and encouragement of so many people, and hope very much to be serving my communities again as your parish priest in the coming months ahead.  You have all remained very close to me in my heart and I feel truly blessed to be a part of the wonderful community of Mundford along with the various villages that I am called to serve. Please do continue to pray for me and for my family, and I look forward to being active again in ministry alongside you all and sharing in the abundant love of God at the very heart of His people.

Every love & blessing,
Your parish priest,

Where love is there God is

Rev. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge of the Mundford, Hilborough & Oxborough groups)
Currently on long term sick leave.



(weeting with broomhill) (URGENT NOTICE)


Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984 – Section 14(2)

In accordance with the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, the Norfolk County Council HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that owing to urgent surfacing works the use by vehicles of the Brandon Road from its junction with High Peppers Hill for a distance of 500 metres southwards in the PARISH OF WEETING WITH BROOMHILL will be temporarily prohibited on 24th January 2019 for the duration of the works, expected to be about 1 day within the period.  If necessary the restriction could run for a maximum period of 5 days.

Alternative route is via: Main Road, A1065 Mundford Road/Brandon Road/Swaffham Road Roundabout, A134 Cranwich Road/ Methwold Road, Lodge Road, Lynn Road, South Park (Brandon/ Methwold/ Feltwell/ Hockwold cum Wilton/ Weeting-with-

Broomhill/ Cranwich/ Mundford).

In the event of the start date being delayed the new start date will be displayed on site in advance.

The person dealing with enquiries at Norfolk County Council is Adam Mayo (Community and Environmental Services) Telephone 0344 800 8020.

Dated this 24th day of  2019

Garden and Hedges

The Parish Council would like to thank all the villagers for their time and effort spent keeping gardens and hedges tidy. We do get requests from time to time asking for hedges to be trimmed back to the back of the pavement. This is to make sure there is room for Mums with pushchairs and wheelchairs to pass without having to go into the road.

Thank you for assisting in this matter.

Swaffham Road Update

The Parish Council have been chasing Highways to get the repairs to the white fence barriers on both sides of the Swaffham Road repaired following the three recent accidents.

The Parish Council have also applied for a grant to extend the pavement on the village side of the Swaffham Road to a more suitable crossing point some 45 metres towards Swaffham.

Highways have now installed ‘Pedestrian Crossing’ warning road signs either side of the existing crossing point by the Lynford Road turning following the meeting with Elizabeth Truss MP our local MP.

The signs will be relocated when the footpath is hopefully extended as noted above.