Parish Clerk Vacancy



Mundford Parish Council is looking for an enthusiastic and self-motivated person to take on the role of Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.

The post is initially for 10 hours per week and includes attendance at all Parish Council meetings (up to 12 in a year) and responsibility for the finances of the Council and its risk management. Candidates should have book keeping skills, communication, IT and organisational skills. Pay will be in line with NALC guidelines and according to experience and qualifications. Support and training will be provided. For further information please contact the Chairman of the Council 07973 959217

Applicants should send a CV to the Chairman by the closing date 24th September 2018.

Vote for Mundford Village Hall at Tesco

Mundford Recreation Ground and Village Hall Trust calls out for votes to bag a share of Tesco’s bag fund

Mundford Village Hall is bidding to bag a massive cash boost from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative. They are hoping to replace the old plastic chairs with more comfortable padded chairs and new storage trolleys.

Mundford Village Hall is one of three projects on the current shortlist. Please cast your vote for them using the token given to you at the check-out each time you shop at the Tesco store in Brandon. Voting is open until 31st August 2018.

Read more about the Tesco community funding scheme here.

Connect Update

The editor of Connect has published a notice about the status of its publication. In summary, it will be available by email or to collect from local venues. If you would like an email copy, then send your email address to or 07747 561784. To read the whole notice, click the image below.
Note that the Connect newsletter an independent publication, not under the control of the Parish Council.

Thank you to our Litter Pickers

On the 25th July in very hot weather a sturdy bunch of our volunteers came along and collected over 16 bags of rubbish. The Parish Council and Mundford residents would like to say a huge thank you for their help and time given on that day.

We meet approximately every 6 – 8 weeks so if you have an hour or so to spare and would like to join our team please contact the Parish Clerk.


Please be vigilant as unfortunately it has been reported that there has been a burglary in Mundford in Malsters Close, the residents lost some garden furniture.

A small white van was seen in the area on that day and the driver was in his late 50’s.

Website Move

Please note that this website is moving to a new server location during the period 12th to 15th July 2018. If you experience any difficulty accessing the website or in sending emails to our address during this time, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Reflections from Mundford Rectory Jul-Aug’18

Where love is there God is

Dear Friends,

Wow, how quick the year seems to be flying by and how wonderful to be bathed in glorious sunshine of late!

In the church we are now in the long season known as Trinity, but with this brings blessings of hearing about the life, miracles and healings of Jesus and a time to reflect on what it means to be His Disciple (the word disciple literally meaning ‘learner’). I have also begun the wonderful wedding season where we have the privilege of bringing 2 people completely in love into a life-long commitment and witness to this. However, this season still sees much sadness in the community’s that I serve with an ongoing time of funeral ministry, reflecting again the power of love. These extremes of life events in ministry perhaps indicate the risk that we take in loving others, but the gift that is experienced also as the lives of others touch ours so deeply.

In the world, we hear of sadness across the world continuing to carry on and for many of us we are immersed in the World Cup and painfully watching England play through each match….Come on England…. You can do it!!!

Our young people have completed their SAT’s and GCSE and A -Level exams, and for some an extended summer holiday with various proms to look forward to, and everyday life rumbles on as a lot of us look forward to a time of summer holidays to spend time with our families and friends, it is so important that we take time to spend with our loved ones, for none of us knows what tomorrow holds, and the greatest gift we can receive on earth is the gift of time and the gift of one another.

Which leads me to the greatest commandments that Jesus gave us ‘To love God and to love one’s neighbor as ourselves’

During the summer months which has already seen us move through the longest day of the year, remember to take time, for you and your loved ones, and enjoy the gift that is each and every day, and have a wonderful and blessed summer, a time for renewal and refreshment.

Every love & blessing,
Your parish priest,

Rev. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge of the Mundford, Hilborough & Oxborough groups) Day off Monday.
(For Wedding, Baptism & Church enquires 01842 879990 or email)