Reflections from Mundford Rectory Oct’17

Where love is there God is

Dear friends,

It is that time of year again when we begin to see a new season creep in, with some of the trees beginning to look more autumnal and the nights are beginning to draw in, with lights being put on earlier of an evening and there is a real nip in the air…. Although it wouldn’t surprise me after writing this piece to you that we suddenly head straight into a heatwave haha!!

The children today have returned to school, and it is so lovely to hear them playing again on the school field after the long summer break.

In the church season we are still very much in the season known as ordinary time, although things have been far from ordinary, with my colleague Revd Charles Sherlock now having retired and I am soon to be made Priest in Charge of the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough Groups of Parishes, with the hope of a new colleague to come and minister among us in the, I hope, not too distant future…. And very soon too we will be celebrating the Harvest season giving great thanks to God for all the goodness He gives as we let go of the old and embrace the new…. This is where for now this reflection leaves us…. As we let go of all that has gone before and look to a new season…. With the words of Annie Heppenstall in her prayerful poem…..’Letting Go’

The birch leaves are falling, Lord,
yellow diamonds on the green grass,
released in the autumn wind.
But I, Lord,
I still clutch tight the leaves of my old life,
useless, withered and dry.

Teach me to let go of the old –
old hurts and animosities, old troubles and grief.
Teach me to release them into the wind of your Spirit
to be whisked away,
that like the tree I may rest a while
at peace within,
then grow again in the spring.

May we all have courage to let go of all that is no longer helpful to us in the past and move on in courage into a new season of our lives, as we embrace a new yearly season.

With every love and blessing,
Your parish priest, Zoe

Revd. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge Mundford Group Benefice & Assistant Priest to Hilborough & Oxborough groups) Day off Monday.

(For Wedding, Baptism & Church enquires 01842 879375 or email)

Thank you to our Litter Pickers

THANK YOU all again for turning up to help on Wednesday the 16th August, 11 volunteers responded to our call for this one which was really appreciated.

We meet every six weeks or so to carry out this task and we are always looking for more volunteers, so if you have a couple of hours to spare and would like to join us please call the Parish Clerk on the number at the foot of the page.

New Benches

You will have noticed the new benches that have now been installed around the Village and The Parish Councillors would like to express their appreciation and thanks to the residents that sponsored these benches.

We still have room for one more that needs a sponsor, Sponsoring a bench in Mundford can often be an apt way of commemorating a loved one, however, it can also be used to celebrate a special occasion such as a wedding or anniversary or you may have a favourite quote or short verse that you would like to display (Take a look at the bench at the bottom of Church Lane).  If you are interested in this the cost is in the region of £385 however this may vary at the time of ordering.

Please contact the clerk if you would be interested in this idea.

Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor

Notice is hereby given of a vacancy that exists for a Parish Councillor to serve on the Mundford Parish Council caused by the resignation of Councillor John Burton.

Unless within 14 days of the date of this notice, ten electors for Mundford parish (named on the Electoral Register) have requested to hold an election, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option as soon as practicable within a period of 60 days of the date of this notice (5 Sep 17).

All requests (in writing) for an election to fill the vacancy should be sent to:

The Returning Officer
Breckland Council
Elizabeth House
Walpole Loke
NR19 1EE

Note: In computing the 14 (and 60) day periods, Saturday, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday and bank holidays are disregarded.

Reflections from Mundford Rectory Sep’17

Where love is there God is

Dear friends,

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…..”

The opening words of that most amazing reading taken from Ecclesiastes.. and speaks into the changes that occur within all of our lives. Well it is very much ‘all change’ for the churches of the Mundford Oxborough and Hilborough Groups of churches as my colleague The Revd. Charles Sherlock prepares for the transition into retirement at the end of August, and where we will celebrate his ministry among us and say our sad farewells at a special service at 11am in Goodertsone on 3rd September.  All change for me too as I will now take on sole responsibility for the 12 churches and parishes of the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough Groups of churches, with support from colleagues from across the deanery.

But with change comes with it amazing opportunities for new adventures…. And to prayerfully consider where we are to offer a more focused ministry to the many people we are privileged to serve from within each community.

To offer a wider breadth of ministry to all there will be a change to 2 services within the Mundford Group of churches. On the 2nd Sunday of each month there will no longer be Morning Worship at 9.30am in Mundford or a 3pm Holy Communion service in Cranwich because…..

Starting from 10th September at 3pm, each 2nd Sunday of the month, we would warmly like to invite our local families and young people to a new ‘Stepping Stones’ all age service at St Leonards Church, Mundford, where for an hour together we will have a Bible themed story, an opportunity to get messy with a creative craft activity, write our own prayers praying with bubbles, and sing a song together before a special blessing for all. This service is for all…the young and the young at heart. All are very welcome! And….

Rev Zoe is doing a sponsored Skydive in Norwich on Saturday 30th September 2017 to raise money for improved facilities at St Leonards Church Mundford, to enable in the future a small meeting space adjacent to the main church building with kitchen and toilet facilities. To create an even more welcoming space of loving hospitality to the communities we serve and beyond. I am scared of heights so this is going to be a momentous personal challenge! If you would like to sponsor me, any sponsorship monies can be directly posted through the Rectory door clearly marked parachute jump on the envelope or cheques made payable please to Mundford PCC. Thank you for your generosity in advance….. pray for me… and wish me luck!! A huge thank you to all those who have already generously donated.

With every love and blessing,
Your parish priest, Zoe

Revd. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge Mundford Group Benefice & Assistant Priest to Hilborough & Oxborough groups) Day off Monday.

(For Wedding, Baptism & Church enquires 01842 879375 or email)

Reflections from Mundford Rectory Aug’17

Where love is there God is

Dear friends,

It is with great joy that we have reached the summer months and are enjoying a bit of sunshine!

Summer as we know is a mixture of both busyness and a time for relaxation where for some of us we will be enjoying some extended time with family and friends. The children are soon to break up for their long summer holiday and the busyness of juggling home life and work begins along with all of the fun things going on across our beautiful county.

In the church season we are in the season of Ordinary time, or the many Sundays following Trinity Sunday, where the colour of the season is green all the way accept for Holy days, weddings and baptisms where the seasonal colour changes. We are also in the season of many church fetes and fun days and it is to this I would like to invite you all to come and join us….

We are hosting in the grounds of St Mary’s Cranwich a

‘Family Community Fun Day’ on Saturday 19th August from 11am – 4pm.

There will be a variety of stalls hosted by the churches of Mundford, Ickburgh and Cranwich along activities for children, refreshments and lots of cake….!

We are also delighted to have stalls hosted by the Mundford Circle of Friends, WI, and The Desert Rats Memorial Association who will have information about the work of the Army and are bringing with them Military vehicles and a (safe) shooting range! Along with much much more….do come and join us for what will prove to be a really fun day for everyone!

Another event to draw to your attention and sponsorship would be gratefully received….

Rev Zoe is doing a sponsored Skydive in Norwich on Saturday 30th September 2017 to raise money for improved facilities in St Leonards Church Mundford, to enable in the future a small meeting space adjacent to the main church building with kitchen and toilet facilities. To create an even more welcoming space of loving hospitality to the communities we serve and beyond. Zoe is scared of heights so this is going to be a momentous courageous event. Any sponsorship monies can be directly posted through the Rectory door clearly marked parachute jump on the envelope or cheques made payable please to Mundford PCC. Thank you for your generosity in advance!

With every love and blessing,
Your parish priest, Zoe

Revd. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge Mundford Group Benefice & Assistant Priest to Hilborough & Oxborough groups) Day off Monday.

(For Wedding, Baptism & Church enquires 01842 879375 or email)

Vehicles Parked on Pavements

The Parish Council are receiving more complaints regarding vehicles parked on pavements causing an obstruction and the need to walk into the road to get past. This is a hazard, especially for the elderly, mobility scooter and push chair users and children. There have also been complaints regarding parking on blind corners. This is not an acceptable situation and may result in someone getting hurt.

We would ask that residents who have a drive to please use it and all drives to respect the residents of Mundford and bear in mind the need for common sense when parking and to leave pavements clear for pedestrian use.

Thank you.


Reflections from Mundford Rectory Jul’17

Where love is there God is

Dear friends,

Normally I would write to you with a reflection for the church season, but today my writing to you has a different focus with special attention being given to our families who have loved one’s mortal remains interred in the parish church of St Leonards, Mundford.

As you will know that in past years Mundford’s churchyard has been kept beautifully with the grass cutting having been contracted out from a generous grant from our local parish council. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the contract came to a sudden end just before the Easter weekend, and since then generous volunteers have given much time and devotion to trying to keep on top of the grass in the churchyard, but it is an enormous task to which we have been struggling.

I am aware of the distress the state of the churchyard has caused for our families who visit loved one’s graves on a regular or irregular basis, to which as your parish priest and on behalf of St Leonards PCC, we offer our heartfelt and sincere apologies for any distress that has been felt.

I wanted to assure you that the situation is not one of neglect or disrespect to our families and those whom they have loved who have passed, or to the memories of those who are laid to rest within the churchyard. But we are struggling and doing our very best during this temporary period.

We want to assure our families of our love for you and your loved ones and are working to a solution that will see St Leonards churchyard to its former condition as soon as we can. As for now if any of our families who can offer some time and support to help us in the meantime in keeping the churchyard cut regularly with a focus around personal family graves, we would be truly grateful to you, as the parish church and churchyard belongs to the community in which it is set, which is good and right and is our shared responsibility.

Grief I know from my own experience of grieving the loss of loved ones is something that never truly leaves us, and is something that over time we learn to try and live with each day, knowing that we are changed by it.

Our loved ones remain for-ever dear in our hearts and memories, and each person we have loved and lost has been instrumental in shaping the people that we are today, and we know that the places where our loved ones are laid to rest also has great significance in enabling us to grieve and feel close to them.

Please forgive us if we have caused any distress to you in recent weeks due to our current situation, and please do support us as we get back on our feet again and attempt to restore St Leonards churchyard to its former beautiful condition.


With every love and blessing,
Your parish priest, Zoe

Revd. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge Mundford Group Benefice & Assistant Priest to Hilborough & Oxborough groups) Day off Monday.

(For Wedding, Baptism & Church enquires 01842 879375 or email)