Brandon Roadworks Apr’17

There are more roadworks in Brandon coming shortly that are likely to cause traffic delays:

  • 5-7 April – traffic lights in Thetford Road for BT works
  • 11-18 April – traffic lights in Mile End for street lighting works

If you’d like to know more, or want to check upcoming roadworks in Brandon at any time, click to view the Brandon roadworks map.

Fundraising News Mar’17

Firstly, thank you to everyone who came along to our Social Evening at Kevin and Jan Grace’s home on 10th February.  A great time was had by all, especially with the Valentine themed games and quizzes, and we raised the sum of £293. which has been sent to E.A.C.H. specifically for the ongoing care of children and their families currently using the Quidenham Hospice.

Coming next is our Easter Bingo in aid of Epilepsy Action (British Epilepsy Association Reg. Charity No. 243343) on Friday 7 April at the Bowls Club.  Doors open 7pm, Eyes down 7.30pm.  Purchase of Bingo Tickets will entitle you to a free glass of Bucks Fizz or Pimms.  There will be refreshments available, and the Bowls Club Bar will be open.  Great Raffle Prizes too.  Come and enjoy the fun!  Look out for Posters on Village Notice Boards and in next month’s Connect.

In May we are having  another “Afternoon Tea with Music” in aid of Mundford Over 60’s Club and  Blind Veterans (formerly St. Dunstans).  Come and listen to Mr. Barry Metcalf and his group of string players, including our very own Mundford resident, Laura Grace.  Further details in next month’s Connect Magazine.

We have in our possession three cake plates left after the Macmillan Coffee Morning back in October.  Please contact one of the Committee Members if they are yours.

Contact: Pat 878483, Jan 878323 or Syrena 878692

Reflections from Mundford Rectory Mar’17

Dear friends,

By the time you read this we will have already begun the season of Lent.  With the fun and joy of Shrove Tuesday where we will fill ourselves with yummy pancakes, and where we will enter into the season of Lent with a said communion in Mundford at 10am the following day on what is known as Ash Wednesday, with ashes placed in the sign of the cross on our foreheads, reminding us to ‘remember that we are but dust, and to dust we shall return, turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ’.  These words, a powerful reminder not only of our own mortality, but that as we enter into the 6 week season of Lent, we remember all that Jesus did for us as he prepared for and died on the cross to bring us into a right and close relationship with God, where His resurrection takes us into a new way of living, with hope in faith, that we too will receive eternal life, where there is no more death or pain, but only peace and eternal love.

A couple of years ago I had the privilege of visiting the Holy Land where we walked the Dela Rosa through Jerusalem, the Way of the Cross.  The streets were crowded, long and narrow, it was hot and all up hill.  It was a powerful experience as we placed ourselves into Christ’ shoes, as we were led to the place where he was crucified.  How painful it must have been for him, and a contrast from Palm Sunday, where the people had rejoiced at the coming of their King – for this was a very different journey, one of sadness, pain and rejection, and then there ahead was the site of the cross, so powerful as we placed our hands into the place where he was said to be crucified.  The smell of the anointing stone will remain with me for- ever, where they lay his body after death, to anoint him and wrap him in cloths, and then the visit to the empty tomb – how great and awesome the feeling of emptiness, for he had Risen – Alleluia!

For us, life can sometimes feel a journey of up-hill struggle, one of pain, rejection and sadness, but as we journey through the season of Lent into Holy Week and the rejoicing of Easter, we are reminded that Jesus walks with us all the way, and eventually will lead us into a deep place of hope, and joy and rejoicing….it is not the end, but only the beginning….!

Every blessing Zoe

Revd. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge Mundford Group Benefice & Assistant Priest to Hilborough & Oxborough groups) Day off Monday.

(For Wedding, Baptism & Church enquires 01842 879375 or email)

Cars Parked on Pavements and Grass Verges

Please do not park on the pavements and grass verges.

The grass verges around parts of the village are becoming churned up and damaged where vehicles are parking on them and cars parked on pavements cause a hazard to the elderly, pushchair & mobility scooter users and children.

Pauline Angus – Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer

Brandon Level Crossing Road Closures

Note that the A1065 Mundford Road will be closed at the level crossing in Brandon for roadworks between the hours of 22:30 and 06:30 on the following dates:

  • 26-27 February 2017
  • 05-06 March 2017
  • 19-20 March 2017
  • 27-28 March 2017

You can read the full text of the closure order below.

Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984 Section 14(1)

ORDER prohibiting the use by vehicles of the A1065 Mundford Road 20m either side of Level Crossing in the PARISH OF WEETING WITH BROOMHILL work will be carried out within the hours of 22:30-06:30 in four phases 26-27 February 2017, 05-06 March 2017, 19-20 March 2017, 27-28 March 2017.                                      

1. Save as provided in Article 2 of this Order and whereas the Norfolk County Council as Traffic Authority for the Administrative County of Norfolk is satisfied that:-

(i) renewal of cross decking on level crossing for Network Rail is required at the A1065 Mundford Road 20m either side of Level Crossing in the PARISH OF WEETING WITH BROOMHILL (hereinafter referred to as the said road) and:

(ii) that in consequence traffic over the said road should be prohibited with effect from 26th February 2017 to 28th March  2017 for the duration of the works expected to be about 32 days within the period.

2. Nothing in Article 1 of this Order shall make it unlawful for a vehicle which requires access, to proceed to a final destination situated within the length of road specified in Article 1 of this Order.

3. This Order has a maximum duration of 18 months and will be revoked upon completion of the works. Where exceptional circumstances are encountered during the performance of the works specified in this Order the operational period of this Order may become extended to allow completion of the works after obtaining consent of the Secretary of State.

NOW THEREFORE the Norfolk County Council DO HEREBY ORDER, that with effect from 26th February 2017 to 28th March 2017 for the duration of the works the said road SHALL NOT BE USED by any class of vehicle.

Dated this 23rd day of February 2017

Litter Pickers

A huge thank you to our volunteers who joined us for the litter pick on Wednesday 7th December.

We collected in the region of 18 bags of rubbish plus the usual bits of cars including old tyres that get left by the road side.

We meet every six weeks or so to carry out this task and we are always looking for more volunteers, so if you have a couple of hours to spare and would like to join us please contact the clerk.

New Benches

During 2017/2018 the Parish Council will be looking to replace some of the benches in the village.

Sponsoring a bench in a Mundford can often be an apt way of commemorating a loved one, however, it can also be used to celebrate a special occasion such as a wedding or anniversary.

We would also welcome any local companies that may be interested in sponsoring a bench in Mundford.

The Parish Council would pay for the plaque with words of your choice to be engraved and put onto the bench.

The current cost of the seats is in the region of £385 however this may vary at the time of ordering.

Please contact the clerk if you would be interested in this idea.

Play Area Appeal

The Village Hall Committee is working to raise over £11,000 to repair and improve the facilities of the village playground. Their plan is to upgrade and install a new swing frame which will be surrounded by a safety barrier and Ecosurface ground cover. If you are able to support this project with a donation, please make your cheque payable to ‘M R G & V H T’ and send it to Mundford Village Hall, St Leonard St, Mundford, Thetford, IP26 5DW. For more information, see the December/January Connect, posters around the village or email the secretary.

Update 13 October 2017

The Village Hall committee report that “We have now raised sufficient funds to start the project and we are waiting for a start date at the moment. We received £5000 from Breckland Council and raised the rest of the funds ourselves.”