Theft of Conifer and Bedding Plants

Sadly we have to report another theft that has occurred regarding our flower displays.

A conifer and bedding plants were stolen from our tub at the entrance to Fir Close by the bus stop.

These displays are for the residents and visitors in Mundford to enjoy, they are not planted for people to help themselves to.

If you see anyone acting suspicious around our displays please let the Clerk know (in confidence) by telephoning the number at the foot of the page.

Thank you to our volunteer litter pickers

The Parish Councillors and your Clerk Pauline, would like to thank our volunteers who came along to join the litter pick on the 8th June, your help is very much appreciated by all.

I would also like to thank the lady that took the time to thank me whilst I was picking up the litter on that day (in St Leonard’s Street), it’s very encouraging to know we are appreciated.

We meet approximately every 6 weeks so if you have an hour or so to spare and would like to join our team please contact me.

Pauline Angus, Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer

Police launch summer crackdown on drink drivers

norfolk-police-connectMotorists who get behind the wheel under the influence of drink or drugs will be targeted by police as officers take part in a month-long campaign.

Police in Norfolk and Suffolk will be carrying out extra patrols as part of the summer drink drive campaign throughout June; breathalysing any driver who is stopped due to concerns over the manner of their driving, a vehicle defect or anyone involved in a collision.

This year’s campaign coincides with the European Championships 2016 and football fans are urged not to risk drink driving if heading out to watch matches.

Chief Inspector Kris Barnard, head of the joint Roads Policing and Firearms Operations Unit, said: “We target suspected drink and drug drivers all year round but this campaign allows us to raise awareness of the dangers, which a minority of motorists still chose to ignore.

“This year’s campaign coincides with Euro 2016 and while watching matches is very social, either down the pub or going round a friend’s house, we would urge people not to be tempted to drink and drive.

The campaign will run from Wednesday 1 June until Thursday 30 June and involves targeted roadside activities by roads policing officers with support from uniformed officers across both counties.

Last year (2015) nearly 200 motorists were caught drink driving in Norfolk and Suffolk while 26 drivers failed roadside drug tests. In total 194 motorists provided positive breath tests, 78 in Norfolk and 116 in Suffolk, with three people in Norfolk and 23 in Suffolk failing roadside drug tests.

Lynford Hall Planning Application for 68 Lodges

This Planning Application has been submitted to Breckland District Council planning department. The notice is displayed on the front gate of Lynford Hall.

Although this application comes under the Parish of Lynford, Hamlet of Santon West Tofts, Mundford Parish Council thought you may like to view the documents online and submit any comments that you may have, or write to Breckland Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, NR19 1EE, with your views. The application reference is: 3PL/2016/0631/F.

You have up to Monday the 27th June 2016 to raise any objections to this notice.



Village Hall Booking Clerk Needed

A volunteer is needed to take on the role of booking clerk for Mundford VIllage Hall.

The hall needs someone who can help with answering booking enquiries, take new bookings, show potential new hirers around the hall and liaise with existing hirers.

If you would be interested in assisting with any of the above, or would like further information, please contact the us by email or by phone 013300 100390.

The committee appreciate any help that anyone can give.

Volunteer Dog Wardens

Are you fed up with the dog fouling problem in Mundford, if so would you like to help the Council to try and stop this happening?

The Parish Council are looking for  volunteers – dog owners preferred but not essential – who would be prepared to act as volunteer dog wardens in the village,  there are no set hours, you could do one hour a month or more. You will not be required to confront the dog owners that allow their dogs to foul our pavements.

For more information please contact your Clerk Pauline.

Please read this note about
six important reasons why you must pick up your dog waste

Arboretum Volunteers Needed

Are you looking for something to do on a Wednesday and Sunday morning. We are a small group who maintain the Arboretum. We meet 6 mornings a month between 9 am and 12 noon. Have a break for a coffee and biscuits (very important) at 10.30 am in the Lodge. And enjoy a sociable time. The Arboretum is a lovely area to work in, we do a bit of mowing, pruning, tree and shrub planting, bracken and nettle control. If you are interested come along and introduce yourself or ring Roger Powell on 878585.