Would you like a Village Yard Sale?

We’d like to know whether residents would be interested in participating in a Village Yard Sale.

Initial thoughts are that there’d be a £5 per house fee. You’d be included in a list of properties taking part. We may also have boot sale pitches and refreshments at the village hall.

Monies raised would be donated to village organisations, i.e. school, playgroup, village hall.

If you would be interested in taking part please email Connect or phone 07747 561784.

Table Top Sale – Thanks

The ‘Circle of Friends’ would like to say a big Thank You to everyone who supported the Table Top sale on Sat 15th Aug we are delighted to say, with your help, we raised £362.29 ALL of which will be given directly to the Mundford Brownie group. We would like to thank Pat and Robin for the use of their garden and everyone who helped on the day, made cakes, donated items and provided raffle prizes. Our Thanks also to Lee England, from the Brownies, who gave us their display board. For more details of how to join the Mundford Brownies please contact Lee.

By Jan Grace

circle of friends fundraising group logo

Open Gardens – Thanks

The Open Gardens and Scarecrow Competition event was held on Saturday 4th July. It was a beautiful day and the event raised a fantastic total of £1735.18 this is the total amount raised in all the gardens (£1573.18) plus the amounts collected in the boxes for both charities (Marie Curie £132) (Scouts £30). Therefore we were delighted to present Mundford Scouts with a cheque for £816.59 and Marie Curie with a cheque for £918.59. We would like to say a very big THANK YOU to everyone who opened their gardens on the day:-

Margaret and Tony, Bernie and Wilf, Phyllis, Pat and Robin, Sally and Tony, Jan and Rod, Trudi, Vida, Dena, Syrena and Tony, Laura, Jan and Kev, Liz and Colin, Jackie and Bob, Verena and Andy, Jenny and Nick.

Many of us who had our gardens open could not have done so without the help and support of family, good friends and neighbours, both on the day and in preparation for the event, and for that we are extremely grateful.

Special thanks also to Mundford Parish Council and everyone who made Scarecrows (view competition results and pictures).  Our thanks go to Didlington Nursery, High Lodge and Marks and Spencer for their donation of prizes.

Finally we really must thank our local businesses who yet again helped promote and sell programmes for the event:- Mark, Lorrayne and Lisa (newsagents), Peter, Debbie and Tracy (Post Office stores), Christine (hairdresser) and all at Crown Hairdressing. Also to Rosemary for promoting the event on the website and Karen for the Connect front page.

To all the above and to everyone who came along to support the event we say our heartfelt thanks for helping us to raise such a wonderful amount this year. The biggest thank you must go, once again, to our event organiser Pat Tuck who worked tirelessly for months to ensure it really was a great day, we couldn’t have done it without you Pat !!!!! xxxxx

Although the event was a great day it was also a day of sadness for all those involved as we were without the presence of our dear friend and wonderful supporter Colin Wallace. The sudden and unexpected loss of Colin was felt deeply by the whole team, we shall miss his humour and dedication to our events very much. Our love, support, sympathy and Sincere Condolences go to all his family and friends. He was truly ‘one of a kind’.

By Jan Grace

circle of friends fundraising group logo

Age UK Information Bus

Age UK Norfolk is delighted to announce the launch of a new six month project in Breckland which will bring Information & Advice to villages near you.

With grant funding from Age UK and the Prudential, an Information Bus will visit villages each week offering useful information on a variety of subjects from Lasting Power of Attorney, Benefits, Healthy Living, Staying Steady and Caring for Someone with Dementia trained advisers will be on hand to answer questions and offer practical assistance with form filling.

So come along and see what we have to offer !

The bus will be at Mundford Village Hall, St Leonards St, Mundford, Thetford, Norfolk IP26 5DW on the following dates:

  • July: 20th
  • August: 3rd, 17th
  • September: 14th, 28th
  • October: 12th, 26th
  • November: 9th, 23rd
  • December: 7th

PM Visit 1.30-3.30

Scarecrow Competition Results

Mundford Open Gardens was held on Saturday 4th July in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care and the Mundford Scouts Group. This year’s event included a scarecrow competition judged by the Parish Council.

The prize winners were:

  • 1st – Worzel & Aunt Sally by Jan & Rod, 11a The Lammas
  • 2nd – Accident Prone by Pat & Robin, 11 West Hall Road
  • 3rd – Drunken Gardener by Phillis, 1 West Hall Road

Highly commended were:

  • Hippy by Leland Wallace
  • By Mundford Primary School
  • By Mundford Scouts

Photos of the scarecrows follow.

Home Festival 2015

In its 3rd year running, Home Festival is set to get bigger and better each year bringing this family friendly festival to Mundford year on year. Seeing Britain’s Got Talent on our screens recently street dance groups reach the final, it’s clear commercial dance is as popular as ever Perri Kiely and keeping kids active is so important. Rarely seeing a local event for street dancers, we are showcasing both Dance and Music this year. There will be Live Bands and Solo Artists performing all day across two stages, but for those who are interested in street dance, Diversity’ Perri and Jordan alongside local Dance Company Aspire, are holding workshops for all ages in a new Dance tent for 2015.

Founder of Home Festival Helen Shepherd passed the Festival over to a local creative marketing Company Ocean Remix, based in Downham Market, Norfolk. Gemma, Director, is thrilled to have the event on board is trusting the public to get behind the amazing Charity community event to make the 4th year a full weekend of events and Camping on site.

This year we are raising money for two equally local Charities, EACH, to help raise funds for their new Nook, and to St Martins Housing Trust in Norfolk.

Gemma is very passionate about these two Charities, and is urging any Volunteers who can offer their help before the event or on the day to get in touch. These community events aren’t possible without local Business and Public support, and a huge thank you to this years Business Sponsors, Aspire Dance, JD Signs, Fendicks Fishery, The Salon Range and Fleet Timber.

We have everything from 2 Music Stages, Dance tent, Climbing Wall, Bouncy Castles, fun festival games and crafts, trade stalls, food outlets and the beer tent provided by The Crown in Mundford, and more to be announced. Keep up to date on all social sites, and for full information please see the website.

Early Bird tickets are now on sale via the website, and in local Mundford shops, or you can call Gemma on 07712 226679 to arrange collection.

New look for website

You may have noticed that the Mundford Parish Council website has a new look. It has changed to be easier to browse on your smartphone or tablet as well as your computer.

Better Broadband

Better Broadband for Norfolk (BBfN) is a multi-million pound partnership between Norfolk County Council and BT set to transform broadband speeds across the county. Read more on the BBfN website.

BBfN has recently brought access to improved broadband to parts of Mundford. If you’d like to upgrade your broadband to superfast speeds of up to 76Mb, then contact BT or other supplier.