Parish Council Meeting – 5th February 2015
Chairman’s report
After the minutes were accepted and signed as a true record, two declarations of interest were given, from the evening’s agenda.
After a discussion regarding vehicles mounting the kerbing opposite the Methodist Chapel, it was decided that one of our councillors would meet with Highways to discuss the problem – it being that the edge of the village green is being churned up.
Because of elections in May, our Annual Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 14th May.
It was agreed by councillors that a new dog bin should be installed at the southern end of Crown Road. This has to be agreed by Breckland District Council. Can we also remind dog-owners that grit bins are not to be used for dog waste.
Pig Stye Lane has been a little muddy in places this winter. Following a site meeting, it was decided that we need to find out who owns the lane. No action can be taken until ownership is known.
Two councillors announced that they would not be standing for re-election in May. I will also not be standing as Chairman. I feel that four years is a good amount of time to have held the position, and it is time for a change. However, if re-elected, I am happy to remain on the council.
A grant-application for £1755 was put forward by the Village Hall committee. After a short discussion, it was agreed 5 – 3 that a donation of £1000 will be given on completion of works.
A new streetlight is being installed at the entrance to Green Acre Close, off Pig Stye Lane. This will hopefully be done mid to late spring and light up a very dark area. Also, we continue to upgrade our old streetlights, with new LEDs. One gets done every month, until the work is complete.
The meeting closed at 9.22pm
Stefan Eyres