Parish Council Meeting – 7th May 2014
The meeting started with the Chairman and Vice Chairman elections. Cllr Eyres was elected Chairman for a fourth year and Cllr Goad Vice Chairman, also for a fourth year. Both positions were unopposed. The Chairman stated that, after this year, a new chairman should be elected.
The Council awarded two residents the Pride of Mundford award. Firstly, Mrs Margaret Whiting for her help with keeping Mundford clean and tidy. Margaret helps with littler picks, bulb planting and, in particular, plants and tends the village green rose bed for the summer bedding. The second award was presented to Bradley Slater for his achievements since joining the Norfolk Army Cadets. He has been selected from the whole ACF in Norfolk for the post of The Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet.
There were 27 residents at the meeting, many of whom were there to express their views on the planning application to the rear of the Post Office in Church Lane.
Passenger numbers for the Saturday bus service to Swaffham during April were disappointing. There is a risk that we may lose the service if it is not regularly used.
The allotments are now up and running and we have six new tenants as well as three existing ones. We also have a substantial waiting list. The Council would like to thank Mr Ray Whale and Mundford Cricket Club for supplying, and cutting to size, lengths of scaffold tube for marking out the corners of the new allotments.
The Council would also like to thank Mr Ernie Churchley for fitting an outside tap to the Parish Council office, which he did free of charge.
The Council is still in need of a part-time gardener, mostly for watering the tubs and beds around the village, as well as planting them up twice a year. Help and advice can be given if required.
The Community Speedwatch is still ongoing. We are waiting for the coordinator to activate the scheme. Volunteers, please stick with it. I know some of you are losing interest, but we are hoping for a response very soon.
The village green has had a feed, weed and moss-killer applied during late April. This was done at a cost of materials only.
Due to having to call the caretaker out late at night to lock the school, the Council has asked the Cricket Club if we could hold P.C. meetings there. They kindly agreed and the first meeting at the Cricket Club will be 3rd July 2014. Please note, the bar will be closed during the meeting and no alcohol will be consumed during the meeting.
During Finance, the accounts were approved by the Council. A £400 grant was applied for by the Scouts to update their toilets, etc. This was approved by the Council.
The meeting closed at 9.07pm.
Stefan Eyres