Mundford Fish Bar recently put in two planning applications for: external lights; and extended opening hours. Both have been granted permission.
The planning decision report for the later includes the following comments:
“Objections raised mainly referred to smell, noise, traffic congestion and the granting of the original permission in the first place.
“We can’t re-visit the scheme as part of a variation condition and Environmental Health will be taking the smell and noise issues up separately with the applicant, via their legislation.”
“Environmental Health have picked up on the various complaints and concerns raised by the local residents in respect of noise and odour and these will be dealt outside of the application process. It should be noted that the Environmental Health Legislation covers these issues and should further noise and smell issues arise, complaint should be made to the Environmental Protection Team who will investigate.”
“It is noted that the noise attenuation scheme condition has not been complied with and our enforcement team will be notified as a result.”
Click to read the full report.