The Parish Council are delighted to announce that three new grit bins are now available. The new locations are Fir Close, Brecklands and Adeane Meadow.
There are now 9 grit bins in Mundford. The Parish Council would like to remind residents that the salt and sand mix provided by Norfolk County Council within the bins is for highway use only. It should never be used on private drives and paths. It is also only meant to be placed on footpaths.
The Council are very grateful to Mr Paul Lynch for organising the volunteer gritting programme for Fir Close and the Brecklands. Mr Lynch and his team of helpful volunteers will be gritting the footpaths in these areas when there is severe weather i.e snow. The Council would like to point out however, that the only reason we managed to secure the grit bins in these two estates and to have them filled was because Mr Lynch and his volunteers came forward to help with this project. In line with NCC Highways policy, the grit is only to be used in severe weather only and not just for icy weather.