As you may have read in this newsletter I am leaving my position as Clerk to the Parish Council. I have thoroughly enjoyed my years on the Council and have met and spoken to so many lovely people in and out of the village in this role. I originally started on the Council in 2003 and then had a break in 2007/8 while I launched my village publication that some of you may remember which was called ‘Speak Up Magazine’. The birth to my forth child meant I just no longer had the time necessary to continue to produce the magazine, and I was lucky enough to be offered the position of clerk again in 2009 and have thrown myself into the role for the last 4 years. I have been very fortunate to be involved with a very pro-active council and one that cares about their residents. I hope that if you have spoken to me about an issue you were concerned about, or had a request for the council, that I have dealt with your issue promptly and with care and attention, as I always tried to give the best advice possible.
I will continue to help out with litter picks and be a volunteer of the friends of the village, and I am a Governor at the Primary School so I will still be active round the village.
Thank you to all those that have supported me in my role over the years, and the lovely messages I have received from residents wishing me well for the future. I would like to say a big thank you to my councillors for their support and friendship and I’m sure that will continue.
I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year, hopefully 2014 will bring luck and prosperity to us all!!