Reflections from the Rectory – Apr’20

April is the month of Easter, celebrated this year on 12th April. It is a great time of hope and celebration for the church. 

Many events and celebrations have been planned and prepared, which now have to be put on hold  to the outbreak of the coronavirus. The situation has challenged us to find new ways of interacting with people, and of being the church in our area.

We are instructed not to hold public services but where possible to keep the churches open, and available for people who wish to pray and reflect there. Attempts are being made to make resources available and to keep in touch with church members by email.

There are several baptisms and a few weddings taking place in our village churches over the next few weeks and months, and this is also a sign of hope for the future. These ‘occasional offices’ may be carried out, provided we observe required distances between people and disinfect our hands and equipment carefully before and afterwards.

The positive aspect of this crisis has been the goodwill and care offered by people to their vulnerable relatives and neighbours. If you, or someone you know, is battling with shopping or other everyday tasks and still needs help, you are welcome to contact me on 01366 328921.

Let us encourage one another, as  Spring arrives, and colourful flowers blanket the ground. I am particularly enjoying the white and pink hawthorn blossoms (yes, I am learning the names of the local trees), and daffodils in bloom are guaranteed to lift one’s mood.

I would like to conclude with a prayer for those who are in isolation (circulated by the Church of England).

Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you. In this time of anxiety, give us strength to comfort the fearful, to care for the sick and to assure the isolated of our love and your love for your Name’s sake. Amen.

Wishing you all good health, and the Joys of Spring.

Rev Linda Lubbe

Where love is there God is

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches.