Signs of spring are everywhere. As a newcomer to England, I am particularly enjoying the snowdrops and daffodils sprouting in our gardens and along the roadside.
In the Church, the period of Lent began on the 6th March. It is a time of preparing ourselves for the celebration of Easter. In the early church, new Christians were baptized at Easter, and were given special teaching and preparation for a six week period beforehand. This is the origin of the tradition of keeping Lent.
Many of us remember being told to “give up” something for Lent, such as sugar in our tea. This is fine, but Lent could be more positively seen as a time to “take on” something of value, such as caring for a neighbor in times of illness or distress.
During Lent, many of us will be sharing a soup lunch on Saturdays at the Mundford Bowls Club and/or on Wednesdays at the Foulden Village Hall. This is a time for fellowship and sharing, and all are welcome.
Easter is a great celebration of life in Christ. Many special services are planned in the villages over this time, and all are welcome to participate.
The rejuvenation of nature around us after the winter reflects new life and hope for the future.
May I wish all of you a joyful Easter.
Rev Linda Lubbe

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches. Rev. Zoe Ferguson is currently on long term sick leave.