Volunteer Litter Pickers – Thanks

On behalf of Mundford  Parish Council and the Residents of Mundford I would like to say a huge thankyou to our volunteer litter pickers that show up come rain or shine to pick up the litter within the village and the roads leading out of Mundford, without their help we could not keep our village looking so pretty, clean and tidy. Our last litter pick was on Wednesday 5th August and at least 15 bulging bags were collected along with other debris such as out of date signs for local events. We also collected rubbish that was placed in the grit bin up by Impson Way on the A134 so a quick reminder again to all that our grit bins are not rubbish bins.

Mundford Parish Council is always looking for more people to join our existing group of volunteer litter pickers. We meet every 6 to 8 weeks and all equipment is supplied, so if you have 1 to 2 hours to spare  and would like to join us please contact your Parish Clerk Pauline.