Drainage – reporting concerns |
Overflows/statutory nuisances caused by drains/cesspools/septic tanks: Please notify Breckland Council at https://www.breckland.gov.uk/reportehissue Please provide as much information as possible; there is also the facility to upload any supporting documents/photos. Alternatively, contact the council on 01362 656870 |
Issues relating to publicly owned drainage sewers: Please notify https://www.anglianwater.co.uk |
Issues relating to ditches/non-emergency flooding issues: Please contact Norfolk County Council Floods at https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling-and-planning/flood-and-water-management |
Flooding – reporting incidences |
***If the flooding is life-threatening, contact the emergency services and report the issue to Norfolk County Council at a later date*** |
Report a flood at: https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/safety/floods/report-a-flood It is important that evidence is provided, such as photos or an insurance claim, to confirm that the property has been flooded internally. You will be asked to fill in a questionnaire and supply information about the incident, for example when it occurred, how the water entered the property, where the water came from (green space, road, toilet etc.). If you do not have access to the internet, a paper copy can be posted to you – in this instance please call 0344 800 8020 |
Wildlife – reporting sights of protected species |
Norfolk Biodiversity Information Service (NBIS) Website: http://www.nbis.org.uk Includes information on species, habitats, protected sites, and geodiversity for Norfolk. Wildlife records can be submitted via this site. For more information on what constitutes a useable wildlife record, see http://www.nbis.org.uk/records |
Contact: nbis@norfolk.gov.uk |
Please note: the presence of any wildlife does not preclude development. If you believe a protected species might be adversely affected by proposed works, please inform your Local Planning Authority. Guidance on protected species and the planning process can be found at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/protected-species-how-to-review-planning-applications |
Author: webmaster
Reflections from the Rectory – Apr’20
April is the month of Easter, celebrated this year on 12th April. It is a great time of hope and celebration for the church.
Many events and celebrations have been planned and prepared, which now have to be put on hold to the outbreak of the coronavirus. The situation has challenged us to find new ways of interacting with people, and of being the church in our area.
We are instructed not to hold public services but where possible to keep the churches open, and available for people who wish to pray and reflect there. Attempts are being made to make resources available and to keep in touch with church members by email.
There are several baptisms and a few weddings taking place in our village churches over the next few weeks and months, and this is also a sign of hope for the future. These ‘occasional offices’ may be carried out, provided we observe required distances between people and disinfect our hands and equipment carefully before and afterwards.
The positive aspect of this crisis has been the goodwill and care offered by people to their vulnerable relatives and neighbours. If you, or someone you know, is battling with shopping or other everyday tasks and still needs help, you are welcome to contact me on 01366 328921.
Let us encourage one another, as Spring arrives, and colourful flowers blanket the ground. I am particularly enjoying the white and pink hawthorn blossoms (yes, I am learning the names of the local trees), and daffodils in bloom are guaranteed to lift one’s mood.
I would like to conclude with a prayer for those who are in isolation (circulated by the Church of England).
Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you. In this time of anxiety, give us strength to comfort the fearful, to care for the sick and to assure the isolated of our love and your love for your Name’s sake. Amen.
Wishing you all good health, and the Joys of Spring.
Rev Linda Lubbe

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches.
Coronavirus – Mundford Information
This post has Coronavirus (Covid-19) information for residents in Mundford and area.
Local Help is Available
If you need help with shopping, collecting prescriptions or just want a chat, you are welcome to call on the volunteers who are listed below.
Local Volunteers Needed
If you would like to help vulnerable people get essential supplies in Mundford, Cranwich, Ickburgh, West Tofts and Lyndford, please contact the Parish Clerk, with your name, address, telephone number and the hours that you are available.
Volunteers Available Now
Please have your money ready to pay for your goods.
- Julie Pullen – 07366 609243 (8am to 8pm, but can be flexible)
- Hayley Rose – 07804 582220 (Text message only please. Can drop off food from CostCutters 1pm-3pm.)
- Sarah Pymer – please contact the office (flexible hours)
- Serena Barnes – 07769 680762 (8am to 8pm)
- Ricky – 07805 572097
- Marise – 07795 466646
- Molly – 07949 622488
- Helen Hall – 01842 879766
- Clare Pattison – please contact the office if you would like to receive a letter or phone call
- Alex Adams – 07584 722620 (8am to 6pm)
- Irmgard MacAskill – 01842 878499 (9am to 5pm)
- Jan Grace – 01842 878323
Risk assessment for volunteers.
If you are volunteering, you may be entitled to COVID vaccine. Please contact you GP to check.
Voluntary Norfolk, Momentum and Community Action Norfolk are working with Norfolk County Council and local health providers to recruit volunteers for a countywide effort to respond to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis. We are particularly keen to hear from people who have the skills to volunteer in health and social care roles, which have been identified as priority areas. If you are interested, please click to register.
Delivery Services
Feltwell Golf Club are kindly offering a home cooked meal delivery service. For full details, please click to read the menu.
Yallops (CostCutters) are offering a home delivery service, call 01842 878287.
- There are no services at St Leonard’s Church, or any other churches, until further notice. For further information, please refer to the noticeboard or click to view the church services page.
Parish Office
Due to recent advice from the government, Mundford Parish Council have decided to close the office for the time being. All contact should be by email or telephone. The clerk will check telephone messages a couple of times a week. The clerk will be available by email at the usual times of Monday to Friday, 9am to 11am. The council apologise for any inconvenience.
Supermarket Information
Supermarket timetable for shopping for the elderly/vulnerable/NHS
Reflections from the Rectory – Mar’20
Spring is in the air. Snowdrops and other early flowering plants are sprouting. So much beauty around, after the barrenness of winter.
The cold weather is still with us, however, along with hazardous driving conditions when the roads are covered in ice in the early mornings. A few weeks ago, I eventually had to give up trying to get to Cranwich Church for choir practice on a Saturday morning, as a whole section of road was cordoned off by police because there had been a bad road accident.
We have been through two serious storms – Storm Ciara and Storm Dennis, accompanied by flooding, damage to property and dangerous road conditions. On one occasion, I saw a car in a ditch on its side, just outside Foulden.
The church season of Lent began on the 24th February. Lent is a time of reflection, when we prepare ourselves for the great celebration of Jesus’ resurrection at Easter. It is a time of discipline when we take on an extra commitment, such as attending a Lent discussion group. Lent is a six week period, which originated in the early centuries of the church as a time when adult converts were prepared for baptism. They would be baptized at Easter, during an all-night vigil. Before this, they had undergone a special course of instruction and preparation which lasted six weeks and this is the background to the tradition of Lent.
During Lent, there will be special soup lunches at Mundford bowls club on Saturdays, from 12 noon and at the Rectory, Elm Place, Gooderstone on Wednesdays, from 4th March, also from 12 noon. All are welcome to join these occasions of fellowship, sharing and discussion.
On the 21st March, the 75th anniversary of the Lancaster bomber crash in the forest will be commemorated at 1.00 pm. A service will be led at the site by Archdeacon Ian Bentley and representatives of the air force. This will be followed by a tea in the Mundford bowls club. Please join us as we remember this important event in local history.
Another special occasion is coming up at the end of the month – the Village Voices are celebrating five years of singing together, with a concert at Cranwich Church on Saturday, 28th March at 2.30pm All are, of course, most welcome.
Hoping for better weather, and generally better conditions in the coming months.
God bless.
Rev Linda Lubbe

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches.
Reflections from the Rectory – Feb’20
The Christmas holidays are over, and we are into the new year.
A new year, new hopes and possibilities, and perhaps some anxieties about the future. The children are back to school after their Christmas break, offices and shops opening, and most of us settling back into our regular routine.
Does anyone still make New Year Resolutions? Last year, I was sent a photograph of a friend of mine next to a list of resolutions, about a week into the new year. Two thirds of them had already been crossed off the list – did that mean he had accomplished many things, or just given up on his resolutions?
The church calendar celebrates twelve days of Christmas, beginning on 25th December. Then 6th January is the Feast of Epiphany, when we remember the wise men who came from the East to visit the baby Jesus and bring him gifts. Traditionally we think of three wise men, because they brought three gifts (gold, frankincense and myrrh), but no number is mentioned in the New Testament – so it could have been many more.
These were three men from outside the nation of Israel who travelled a great distance, probably from modern Iran, to acknowledge Jesus as the promised King.
The Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on the 6th January, with great solemnity and pageantry.
The next “commercial” festival featured in our shopping calendar seems to be Valentine’s Day, 14th February. Like other similar events, it may be abused, but should be seen as a celebration of what is best in human love.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2020.
Rev Linda Lubbe

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches.
Christmas Lights Switch On 2019
This year’s Christmas Lights Switch-On took place on Saturday 30th November.
Riley Mower won the raffle to help Santa turn on the lights and a present.
The Village Voices Choir sung carols
Thank you to all those who donated raffle prizes, sponsored the event…
The following amounts were raised for charities.
- The Crown = £80
- Cake stall and Fish Bar donation = £102
- Father Christmas light switch on raffle and main Parish Council raffle = £93
(donated to Mundford Primary School who are giving it to Young Minds) - Lynford Hall = gave ginger bread men and an afternoon tea for two voucher as a goodwill gesture
- Methodist Chapel collection box = £43
- Yallops = £64
- Manor Court Care Home – We are awaiting a final figure
Reflections from the Rectory – Dec’19
Advent is upon us, leading up to Christmas. Amidst the decorations and commercial pressures of preparing for Christmas, it is easy to lose the meaning of Advent as a separate season. In South Africa, where I come from, this is further complicated by the fact that Christmas falls in the middle of the summer holidays, and schools break up at the beginning of December, so Christmas parties start in November.
“Advent” means coming. It is a time when we think about Jesus’ birth, when he came to live among us as a human being. It is also a time when we remind ourselves of the promise that he will come again as judge at the end of time, to set everything in creation to rights.
It is a time for carol services, carol concerts and other events leading up to the celebration of Christmas. Advent for many begins with the switching on of the Christmas lights at Mundford on the 1st December, and the Advent Fayre earlier that day.
Carol services are to be held at Little Cressingham, Sandton Downham, Oxborough, Mundford, Foulden and Ickburgh. The schools will present a Nativity Play before they close for the Christmas holidays.
Generally it is a time of building excitement, and a time for family and friends to gather together and enjoy one another’s company.
Christmas itself, of course, is a joyful time of celebrating God’s greatest gift, when he became a human being and lived among us as one of us. It is a time to enjoy being with family and friends, celebrating the year’s achievements and sharing what we have.
May you all have a joyful and peaceful Christmas and look forward to 2020 with anticipation and hope.
Rev Linda Lubbe

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches.
Bus Service Changes, Dec’19
Norfolk County Council, Travel & Transport have notified Parish Clerks that there are multiple changes coming up to local bus services and many are soon coming to an end. This is due to new Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations as well as budget constraints.
Services through Mundford which will end on 24th December 2019 are:
- Coach Service 12 Foulden – Kings Lynn on Tuesdays
- Coach Service 26 Methwold – Norwich on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
For more information about how your service is affected, it is advisable to contact the service operator:
- www.konectbus.co.uk
- www.sanderscoaches.com
- www.firstgroup.com/ukbus/suffolk_norfolk
- www.wnct.co.uk
- www.coachservicesltd.com
Click/tap to see a full list of the changes and possible alternatives.
Reflections from the Rectory – Nov’19
The nights are drawing in, and we have come to the time of remembrance services, when we remember those who have died and give thanks for their lives and memories.
On the 1st November, it is All Saints’ Day, and 2nd November is All Souls’ Day, so it is a natural time to think of our departed family members and friends, and to celebrate their lives. It is a time to remember God’s gifts of light and colour, and his love which darkness and death cannot overcome.
On 11th November, we remember those who have given their lives in war and pray especially for peace around the world, and the resolution of on-going conflicts. This is an important date in our communities, and was especially so last year, when we commemorated the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. I was very new to this area, and appreciated being part of events.
In South Africa, especially in rural, Afrikaans-dominated areas, 11th November largely passes by unmarked. I would usually wear a poppy on the 11th November, and would often be asked what it was about.
Major services of remembrance will be held in some of our villages, such as Mundford and Gooderstone, on the 10th November (the nearest Sunday), including reading out the names of local residents who fell in both world wars, and the laying of wreaths at war memorials. This is meaningful for members of their families and for members of their communities, who owe their life and security to past sacrifices made on their behalf.
This is a time for solemn remembrance, but also for us to give thanks and dedicate ourselves to build life and community where we are.
Rev Linda Lubbe

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches.
Reflections from the Rectory – Oct’19
It seems incredible to me that I have almost been here for a full year. I am enjoying the beauty of the Thetford Forest and the wonderful, friendly communities in the villages around. We are beginning to see the trees of the forest displaying their rich autumn colours.
In early August, I was able to re-connect with old friends in South Africa. I have also learned to know new friends and made contact with family members here.
During October, many people in the villages around here have arranged events to support Macmillan, and raise funds to care for people living with cancer. This is a wonderful effort, and hopefully will raise much-needed money for a worthwhile cause.
During September and October, many of our churches and communities have also arranged harvest thanksgiving celebrations. As I move around between villages, I am struck by the amount of work going on in the farming community, and the enormous machines being moved from farm to farm.
It also seems to be a popular time for weddings, and we have seen some very happy celebrations of the love between two people, often also bringing restoration, and healing of past hurts.
The schools are also open for a new school year, a time for celebrating past achievements and looking forward with hope to the future.
Whether we face pain or joy at this time, God invites us to bring our feelings and circumstances to him, trusting him as we go forward into the future.
Rev Linda Lubbe

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches. Rev. Zoe Ferguson is currently on long term sick leave.