Thank you to our Litter Pickers

Again on a cold windy day in May our hardy volunteer litter pickers turned up and collected between them at least 16 sacks of litter plus an old television, paint pots and the usual bits of vehicles that we find along the way.

We meet every 6 – 8 weeks so if you have a couple of hours spare and would like to join our team please contact the Parish Clerk.

Reflections from Mundford Rectory Jun’18

Where love is there God is

Dear Friends,

Much of my work as a parish priest involves the many joys shared with others in their lives, weddings, baptisms preparing for and leading worship and working with many young people through our schools and Stepping Stones All Age Worship, along with spending time with people in the parishes I am blessed to serve.

However, there are those sad times in parish ministry, when we walk with others through a journey of bereavement when a loved one has died. This is an enormously privileged area of ministry to care for those who feel broken in their lives due to bereavement or loneliness, or both and it reminded me of how even in the most broken times in our lives, God is there with us and uses that brokenness to often bring about fruitfulness in faith, even when faith has never been experienced before or not been an active part of our lives for a long time, and so I wanted to share with you, something that has helped me through difficult times in my own life, and I hope this may be helpful for you too, or to those who you know who may be feeling a little broken just now…. It is called

The Chosen Vessel

“The Master was searching for a vessel to use; On the shelf there were many – which one would He choose? Take me, cried the gold one, I’m shiny and bright, I’m of great value and I do things just right. My beauty and luster will outshine the rest And for someone like You, Master, gold would be the best! The Master passed on with no word at all; He looked at a silver urn, narrow and tall; I’ll serve You, dear Master, I’ll pour out Your wine And I’ll be at Your table whenever You dine, My lines are so graceful, my carvings so true, And my silver will always compliment You. Unheeding the Master passed on to the brass, It was widemouthed and shallow, and polished like glass. Here! Here! cried the vessel, I know I will do, Place me on Your table for all men to view. Look at me, called the goblet of crystal so clear, My transparency shows my contents so dear, Though fragile am I, I will serve You with pride, And I’m sure I’ll be happy in Your house to abide. The Master came next to a vessel of wood, Polished and carved, it solidly stood. You may use me, dear Master, the wooden bowl said, But I’d rather You used me for fruit, not for bread! Then the Master looked down and saw a vessel of clay. Empty and broken it helplessly lay. No hope had the vessel that the Master might choose, To cleanse and make whole, to fill and to use. Ah! This is the vessel I’ve been hoping to find, I will mend and use it and make it all Mine. I need not the vessel with pride of its self; Nor the one who is narrow to sit on the shelf; Nor the one who is big-mouthed and shallow and loud; Nor one who displays his contents so proud; Not the one who thinks he can do all things just right; But this plain earthy vessel filled with My power and might. Then gently He lifted the vessel of clay. Mended and cleansed it and filled it that day. Spoke to it kindly. There’s work you must do, Just pour out to others as I pour into you.”

Every love & blessing,
Your parish priest,

Rev. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge of the Mundford, Hilborough & Oxborough groups) Day off Monday.
(For Wedding, Baptism & Church enquires 01842 879990 or email)

Fish Bar Planning Application


REFERENCE:       3PL/2017/1597/VAR
PROPOSAL:        Variation of condition 4 of 3PL/2017/1219/VAR – noise attenuation scheme
LOCATION:        MUNDFORD: Mundford Green News(Mundford Fish Bar) Mundford
APPLICANT:      Mr Serkan Araz

The Council has received the above application and would welcome any observations you may wish to make. You can make comments by clicking on the link below and using the ‘Comment on this application’ button to leave your observations.

Click here to leave your comments

Alternatively please forward your comments by email to or in writing by 22nd May 2018, quoting the above reference number. Representations submitted in relation to planning applications will be available for public inspection.

Please note your comments will also be seen on the website, along with your name, signature, address and any contact details you supply e.g. telephone number and/or e-mail address.  If you are concerned about your contact details and signature appearing on our website, please print your name instead of adding your signature and initial this or send your e-mailed comments as an attachment so that only the attachment can be published.  Any comments made should be relevant and not defamatory or offensive, as you remain personally and legally responsible for them.  The progress of the application and the Councils decision will be available on the website.

Should this application be determined by Planning Committee, members of the public are entitled to speak at the meeting to put forward their views.  If you make your comments in writing they will be taken into account whether or not you decide to speak.

Reflections from Mundford Rectory May’18

Where love is there God is

Dear Friends,

Since I last wrote to you the weather was really quite different. Today my reflections come from a sun filled garden where we can rejoice that spring has truly sprung – hoorrah!!

Just 40 days following the celebration of Easter day, we move rapidly through the Easter Season, into the Season of Pentecost. That truly amazing day when the disciples who had been instructed to remain in Jerusalem following the death and resurrection of Jesus, were to wait together to receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit, with tongues of flames, and every language spoken and understood, along with the greatest sermon ever delivered from the fisherman and rock of the church, Peter. Pentecost was literally the birth of the Christian church and we rejoice in this. The week following Pentecost comes the celebration of the Trinity, remembering God as Father Son and Holy Spirit when every preacher in the land fears that they may preach some heresy!!!!

But I always think that these 2 seasons back to back offer us a time of renewal and hope and a reminder of Gods eternal grace with us now. Today I would like to leave you with a prayer for Pentecost, and pray for you too that it breathes new life into all of our lives….

Spirit of God, flickering over our heads, illuminating our faces, inspiring our thoughts, give us now we pray, words of joy and praise.

Spirit of God, filling our hearts with hope, steadying our nerves with peace, comforting our lives with love, give us now we pray, words of joy and praise.

Spirit of God, come to us now – surging through the darkness of our lives, sweeping over our weariness – so that, in this time of Pentecost, the sparkling light of faith, the rushing wind of hope, and the joyful sound of praise, may echo around the world, may echo in the church, and find their response in us.

Spirit of God, give us now we pray, words of joy and praise. Amen.

May this coming season of Pentecost give you the joy of light and love.

Every love & blessing,
Your parish priest,

Rev. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge of the Mundford, Hilborough & Oxborough groups) Day off Monday.
(For Wedding, Baptism & Church enquires 01842 879990 or email)

Mundford Open Gardens 2018

The Circle of Friends are planning a Mundford Open Gardens Event on Saturday 11th August 2018 from 11am to 5pm to raise funds for Mind (for better mental health) and CLIC Sargent (young lives VS cancer).

They are looking for volunteers to open their gardens for this event. No garden is too big, too small, too formal, too informal. This is a great way to get to know your neighbours and make new friends, to see how they enjoy their garden, their favourite plants and to take inspiration, We are keen to have a variety of gardens, and already have had a great deal of interest.

If you would like to take part in this friendly community event please get in touch. Any offers of help on the day, donations of raffle prizes, cakes etc would be very much appreciated.

Contact Jan 878323, Syrena 878692 or Pat 878483 or see the events page for the date of our next planning meeting.

STANTA Tour 2018


Mundford Parish Council are pleased to announce the date for the 2018 STANTA tour



To apply please e-mail putting STANTA 2018 in the subject box or write giving your full name, address and telephone number to the address at the bottom of this page. 

  • No persons under the age of 16 are permitted on the training area.

  • All applicants will be treated on a first come, first served basis.

  • The tickets are £6.00 plus a voluntary donation that will be collected as you enter the bus, this will cover the cost of the coach and the remaining money will be donated to the STANTA Central Bank which is distributed equally to four different charities. They are, The Army Benevolent Fund, Help for Heroes, The Soldiers, Sailors and Air Force Association and the Battle Area Churches Restoration Fund.

Update 20th July



Closing date for applications is Friday 27th July. 



The Parish Council and Residents of Mundford would like to say THANK YOU to our volunteers who came out in the snow to spread the grit in the designated areas throughout the village, your time and help was very much appreciated by all.

BRECKLAND AND FIR CLOSE GRIT BINS – whilst posting this message we would like to confirm that the Highways Department will only supply grit to be used on the paths only in Brecklands and Fir Close and that there are designated volunteers who are on the list to carry out any gritting as and when it is deemed necessary.

Methwold Theatre Club

Do you have ambition to tread the boards?


Is DIY your thing or do you enjoy working with wood?


Fancy being a stage hand or assisting the Stage Manager?


If so, then talk to Methwold Theatre Club on 01366 727526.

Reflections from Mundford Rectory Apr’18

Where love is there God is

Dear Friends,

Well it has been a bit of a chilly wee time hasn’t it…. What with the visit and major disruption from the Beast from the East where for some of our young people, they had never seen snow quite like it…and I think the last time I saw icicle’s quite so large was indeed when I myself was a child!

When the Beast from the East struck I was staying in Harrogate North Yorkshire for the week on a Leadership Conference. It was all terribly exciting when we got stuck due to the A17 being closed and had to stay another night before travelling home. Although for some, there were scenes of tragedy and destruction as we were gripped by freezing temperatures, and as I sit and write today there is more snow forecast over the weekend….

This weekend too also sees us rapidly going through the season of Lent where we will soon be reflecting on Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a colt at the beginning of Holy week, journeying through the incredible journey and sadness of Good Friday into Easter Day itself, where we will rejoice in the hope and salvation of the Risen Jesus, lived afresh in our lives through His Resurrection.

When this reflection reaches you, you may well be delving into an Easter egg, and so I wanted to leave these words with you from the great Easter hymn for you to ponder in your heart as you enjoy the gift of chocolate remembering the truth, gift and power of Easter ”Thine be the Glory” written by Edmond Louis Budry….

May the Risen Jesus be with you all this Easter-tide and all those whom you love, and may the soon to be warmth of the sun be your blessing.

Every love & blessing,
Your parish priest,

Rev. Zoe Ferguson (Priest in Charge of the Mundford, Hilborough & Oxborough groups) Day off Monday.
(For Wedding, Baptism & Church enquires 01842 879375 or email)