Good Neighbour Scheme

Good Neighbour Schemes (GNSs) run in various towns and villages in Norfolk.  They are run by local people in their own communities.  These volunteers aim to help those who are vulnerable and most in need in their community, those who maybe don’t have local friends or family, by providing practical help with things such as lifts to appointments or to go shopping, simple DIY tasks, dog walking or just having a cuppa and a chat.

While lots of people do help their neighbours in an informal way, Good Neighbour Schemes are a way of setting up organised helping.  They enable volunteers to offer the type and level of helping that works for them, a method of managing requests and responding in a consistent, planned and safe way.

As part of this project, CAN are able to help support communities to set up Good Neighbour Schemes, providing step-by-step information, advice and support to get going – as well as some financial support to set up the scheme – and ongoing support as part of a GNS network in Norfolk.

Please read this leaflet which provides contact details if you wish to join.

Your Voice in Breckland

Our organisation is holding an event on 27th March with 13 stands highlighting how advances in new technology could help make life easier and offer a more independent life for older people in our community. 

I have attached the poster and accompanying promotional material which gives a little explanation of each of our exhibitors.

Organisation -Your Voice in Breckland

Event – Gadget Savvy Market Place 

Date – Friday 27th March 2020

Time – 1.30 – 3.30pm 

Venue – Anglia Room, Breckland Council Offices, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham NR19 1EE

Your Voice in Breckland is a voluntary organisation working with the public and agencies to ensure that Breckland’s older people are represented and have a voice in the provision of services which impact on their lives. We are supported by both Norfolk County Council and Breckland District Council. More information about us can be viewed on our website 

We have been holding quarterly themed events since 2012, three with invited speakers on a particular topic and one event a year with stands from various organisations. This year we have decided to try something a little different by holding this themed stands event. Our events are attended by members of the public as well as professionals who work with older people and as we are keen to introduce an intergenerational aspect this year we have also invited senior school students with an interest in social care.

You can read the poster advertising the event. For full details please read the Gadget Savvy Stands Publicity.

Reflections from the Rectory – Feb’20

The Christmas holidays are over, and we are into the new year.

A new year, new hopes and possibilities, and perhaps some anxieties about the future. The children are back to school after their Christmas break, offices and shops opening, and most of us settling back into our regular routine.

Does anyone still make New Year Resolutions? Last year, I was sent a photograph of a friend of mine next to a list of resolutions, about a week into the new year. Two thirds of them had already been crossed off the list – did that mean he had accomplished many things, or just given up on his resolutions?

The church calendar celebrates twelve days of Christmas, beginning on 25th December. Then 6th January is the Feast of Epiphany, when we remember the wise men who came from the East to visit the baby Jesus and bring him gifts. Traditionally we think of three wise men, because they brought three gifts (gold, frankincense and myrrh), but no number is mentioned in the New Testament – so it could have been many more.

These were three men from outside the nation of Israel who travelled a great distance, probably from modern Iran, to acknowledge Jesus as the promised King.

The Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on the 6th January, with great solemnity and pageantry.

The next “commercial” festival featured in our shopping calendar seems to be Valentine’s Day, 14th February. Like other similar events, it may be abused, but should be seen as a celebration of what is best in human  love.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2020.

Rev Linda Lubbe

Where love is there God is

Associate priest in the Mundford, Hilborough and Oxborough groups of churches.

Volunteer Officers in Police Special Constabulary

Are you looking for a new challenge in 2020?  Breckland and Kings Lynn Recruitment Campaign for a new cohort of volunteer Officers in our Special Constabulary has started. We will be holding a Show Case Information Event on Saturday 8th February at RAF Marham between 9am – 5pm where you can find out more about volunteering, meet the team, take part in practical exercises and speak to serving Specials about their experiences and how they fit their duties in with everyday life. We are already fortunate to have remarkable volunteer officers who provide a great service to the community and learn new skills in the process. If you are curious about becoming a Special pop along on 8th February to find out more!

#CouldYou #PC898

The Little Book of Big Scams

The Metropolitan Police have provided a booklet to further raise awareness of some of the ever-evolving ways to scam the public out of their hard earned money. Some useful contact details are below:

Action Fraud – 0300 123 2040 or

Little book of Cyber Scams available at

Job adverts at

Ticketing fraud at

Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 or

Elder abuse on 080 8808 8141 or

Age UK on 0800 169 8787 or

Alzheimer’s Society on 0300 222 1122 or

Travel Agents at

Citizens Advice Bureau on 03444 111 444 or

Cifas at

Cyber Aware at

Financial Conduct Authority on 0800 111 6768 or

Coach Services

Coach Services will be running an additional service on the 40 via Mundford on Mondays to Fridays, as of 3.2.20 (this is subject to agreement from the Traffic Commissioners Office that it can start on that date – If we do not get this, then it will be a March Start).

We have used the funding from the various ceased services to support this and there is a further amendment, which will allow a change at Thetford and onward travel to Bury St Edmunds.

From 3.2.20, a new 0948 pick-up has been added Monday to Friday from Mundford to Kings Lynn, with a new return from Kings Lynn at 1310, allowing a 2hr30 in Kings Lynn. For those that wish to stay in Kings Lynn longer, they can use the existing 16:30 departure from Kings Lynn, back to Mundford.

It may not be known to local people, but the current 0855 from Mundford to Thetford, on the current Coach Services 40 service, is available to concessionary pass holders. This arrives in Thetford at 0910. There is an 1100 departure from Thetford, allowing 1hr50 in Thetford. There is also a return at 1405 to Mundford for those that require more time. As of 3.2.20, the 1405 return will be amended to 1425. This will allow passengers to change at Thetford to Coach Services routes to Bury St Edmunds and will allow around 2hr45 in Bury St Edmunds.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to get these service changes earlier, but I trust this is beneficial to the residents of Mundford and that they will use it. Obviously, there is already an option to Thetford as mentioned above and this can be viewed on the current 40 timetable

For further information about the service and through ticket details, it is best to contact Coach Services on 01842 821509.

Rural Funding Digest

The Regeneration Team at Breckland Council receive an email on a monthly basis which details any Funding available for the rural area from the Rural Services Network.  Not all of the grants may be of use to yourselves but could be useful to a group or business within your parish. 

Please read the Rural Funding Digest January 2020 to check if any grants are available to you,