Mobile Library

Norfolk County Council provide a mobile library that has several stops in Mundford, usually every fortnight. The library’s day has recently changed from Thursdays to Mondays. View the latest timetable here or go via the Local Information page.

Log Sale

The Parish Council are pleased to announce that, following the felling of birch and maple trees on the new allotment site in Pig Stye Lane, 3ft to 4ft logs will be available for sale.

As access to the site is restricted, logs will only be for sale on Saturday 12th April 2014.

Please use the contact form on the left or telephone the clerk for further details.

STANTA Tour 2014

Mundford Parish Council are pleased to announce the date for the 2014 STANTA tour will be Tuesday 10th June. The tour will depart from the Village Hall at 5pm and will last for approximately three hours.

  • The tour is open to Mundford residents only.
  • No persons under the age of 18 are permitted on the training area.
  • Residents that applied last year and were not successful will be given priority, however you must apply again for the 2014 tour. All other applicants will be treated on a first come, first served basis.
  • There is no charge for the tour, but the council would like to make a donation to the STANTA Central Bank which is distributed equally to four different charities. So a minimum donation of £2.00 per person will be collected as you enter the bus. The charities are:
    • The Army Benevolent Fund,
    • Help for Heroes,
    • The Soldiers, Sailors and Air Force Association and the
    • Battle Area Churches Restoration Fund.
  • Closing date for applications is Friday 16th May 2014.

To apply please contact us (using the form on the left) or write giving your full name, address and telephone number to:-

Mrs Pauline Angus
Clerk to the Council
Mundford Parish Office
2a Swaffham Road
Mundford IP26 5EH

Job Vacancy: Gardener

A part time gardener is sought to be responsible for the care and maintenance of Council flower beds, planters and any other items that may be required. Approximately 10 Hours per Month.

Please contact the Parish Clerk Pauline Angus on 01842 879152 for further details.

Chairman’s Report, Feb’14

Parish Council Meeting – 6th February 2014

We would like to assure residents that the Parish Council is doing all it can to resolve the flooding problems on the roundabout. However, we are in the hands of Norfolk County Council highways department, who keep telling us the problem is soon to be resolved. If residents have an issue with the flooding, please call NCC highways department.

The Swaffham bus service is up for review in April. Residents are invited to the Parish Council meeting on March 6th to express their views on the continuation of this fortnightly service.

The new allotment site was discussed and a post and wire fence running adjacent to Pig Stye Lane was agreed upon. Next to the fence, a hawthorn hedge will be planted. Please remember, if you have applied for an allotment, the lucky candidates will be drawn out of a hat at the March 6th meeting. You are welcome to attend if you wish to.

The Community Speedwatch Scheme should be up and running soon. Checks have been carried out on volunteers, and the police will be doing suitable site checks very soon.
An application for financial assistance was received from Mundford Playgroup. This was discussed at length, and after due consideration, a one-off payment of £660 was agreed upon.

The meeting closed at 9.37pm.

Stefan Eyres

Introducing Pauline

Pauline Angus
I would like this opportunity of introducing myself, my name is Pauline Angus and I have been visiting family in the area for over 37 years and finally decided 2 years ago during one of our many weekend visits it was time to make a permanent move to Mundford, since doing so we have made many new friends and are thoroughly enjoying life in Norfolk.

When I saw the advertisement for the Parish Clerks Vacancy I knew that this would give me the opportunity to really become involved in the community and I was extremely pleased when I was offered the position, and I am now looking forward to working with the Council and Residents of Mundford.

Chairman’s Report Jan’14

Mundford Parish Councillors

Did you know that your Parish Councillors are not paid for any of the duties they undertake? When we are carrying out tasks around the village, such as bulb planting, putting up the Christmas tree, litter picks or occasional clearance of areas etc., this is all our own time which we give up unpaid. If anyone wants clarification of payments made by the Council, just go on our website (address below) and follow the links to the Minutes, then Finance Section, where you can find all payments made for that month.

Parish Council Meeting – 9th January 2014

Firstly, a Happy New Year to you all, from Mundford Parish Council.

The Council would like to welcome our new Clerk, Mrs Pauline Angus. Pauline will be working from the Parish Council office on Swaffham Road, and intends to work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9.00am – 2.00pm (this is subject to change, depending on meetings and other factors). If a resident needs to speak with the Clerk in person, please telephone for an appointment on 01842 879152.

Chairman’s Report

During Public Participation, the roundabout flooding problems were discussed. We are told by Highways that the work is still incomplete and will be finished soon.

The Parish Council have had a positive response to the new LED street lights in parts of the village in which they have been replaced. At the time of writing, we have had just one resident who wasn’t happy, and one of the issues they had has been resolved. This replacement programme will continue at the rate of one per month, firstly in The Lammas area. The lights we are replacing are obsolete, and in some cases our street lighting contractor has advised us they need replacing as soon as possible.

During Matters Arising, the land down Pig Stye Lane was discussed. This land was kindly left to the Parish Council by the late Miss Mary-Ann Turner. There are three allotments on the site at the moment, and the Council is going to offer a further six allotments for residents. These will be quite small, but easier to manage than traditional quarter-acre plots.

Overall, the Christmas tree on the green received a good response from residents. However, there were a few suggestions on how to improve things in future years. We will take these comments on board. This was the first time a Christmas tree has been on the green (as far as we know), so we have learned a few things for future years.

The meeting closed at 10.00pm.

Stefan Eyres

The Chairman’s report is a brief account of some of the items discussed at the P. C. meeting. For a more in depth account, go to the meetings page where you can read the minutes and much more.

Six New Allotments

The late Miss Mary-Ann Turner left some land along Pig Stye Lane to the Parish and this is to be used for six new allotments available for a small annual rent to residents of Mundford. The Parish Council invite interested households to apply.

Terms, Conditions and Application Procedure

  • The rent for each allotment is £10.00 per year
  • All applications must be made in writing and should include your name, full address and telephone number
  • You can apply by email (using the contact form) or by letter dropped into the Parish Council Office, 2a Swaffham Road
  • No phone call applications will be accepted
  • The deadline for all applications is Friday 28th February 2014
  • These allotmens are for Mundford residents only
  • Only one application per household is allowed

Selection Procedure and What Happens Next

  • All names will be put into a hat and drawn at the Parish Council meeting of 6th March by County Councillor Ian Monson
  • The successful applicants will be given a contract to fill out along which should be returned with payment by cash or cheque to the Clerk at the Parish Council Office, 2a Swaffham Road

Spring Bulb Planting 2013

On a damp day on Saturday 19th October, 14 volunteers helped to plant a significant amount of daffodil and crocus bulbs around the village. This project has been a huge success over the years with many people commenting on the beautiful daffodils as they drive through our village. Hopefully in the spring of 2014 we will have an even bigger display. Thank you to all those that volunteered.